Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231031  .
Delta Profielfoto

Marjolein van der Veldt

news editor

Marjolein (1987) is a news and social media editor at Delta. She studied journalism and new media at Erasmus University. She has worked for Delta since 2018, where she follows the Student and Works Councils, writes about education, policy and student life, and is responsible for the social media strategy.

Themes: transgressive behaviour, D&I, housing, IT.

Off campus
The organisers of Westerpop have decided to discontinue the free pop festival in Delft. After 35 successful editions, it seems that keeping the event going is no longer financially viable. According to the organisation, persistent inflation and the upcoming VAT increase in 2026 make it impossible to organise the festival ‘in its current form’. The
Professor Aukje Hassoldt will step down as dean at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) from 1 December 2024. She will continue her career as dean at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Hassoldt studied physics at VU University Amsterdam and then gained board experience at Rijkswaterstaat, TNO and RIVM,

Where is the quietest space on campus? And what is ‘the beast of TU Delft’? The campus has secrets from everyone, even from students and staff members who have been here for years. It is time to explore them during the Backstage Campus Tour on day four of the OWee.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 8: swimmer Sean Niewold.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 7: rower Roos de Jong.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 5: basketball player Jan Driessen.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 4: rower Ralf Rienks.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 3: rower Laila Youssifou.


In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 2: hockey player Justen Blok.


For the first time since the Inspectorate of Education’s report was published, the Executive Board, Works Council (OR) and Student Council sat around the meeting table together. Only a small part of the meeting was public. A couple of new pieces of information were shared. One of these is that the OR wants more women in some management teams.


What did the TU Delft campus vote for?     GroenLinks/PvdA is the big winner in Delft, according to the final results of the national elections (in Dutch). 25.9 percent of Delft residents voted for the party. That is a growth of 11 percent compared to the previous elections. D66, the largest party in Delft…


AI hackathon on campus     Over 100 students participated in Dream Team Epoch’s AI hackathon on the TU Delft campus on Saturday 18 November. They developed an artificial intelligence model that can predict how much biomass is stored in a tree.   Team Epoch is an interdisciplinary and international student Dream team that competes in…


Survey on inclusive language at TU Delft     Lijst Bèta wants to find out more about how students and employees experience the use of language at the university.   For example, what language do you speak during an event where students and staff of different nationalities are present. Dutch or English? And should lecture…


Bob van Vliet wins sustainability award     Bob van Vliet has won the first ‘Most Sustainable Teacher’ award, an award from GreenTU for teachers committed to sustainability.    ‘Van Vliet teaches his students to think systematically about sustainability in their designs. He also uses materials with a low ecological footprint for his practicums. And…


New Chairman of the Works Council     Ronald Kuil is the new Chairman of the Works Council. He was elected last week during an internal meeting.   Kuil’s appointment follows the works council elections in early October. Then-chairman Menno Blaauw no longer declared himself eligible; he will retire next year. Blaauw was active in…


Firefighting course on campus     Escape from a corridor full of smoke and test your security and privacy knowledge during the TU Delft Safety & Security Week.   From 9 to 15 October, TU Delft is participating in the national initiative for the sixth time. This year, the main focus is on security topics…


Virgiel raises 6,700 euros for charity     Alcuin Amal, a committee of student association Virgiel, has raised 6,700.58 euros for charity by making radio for 24 hours.   In the Delft Blue House, a nod to 3FM’s Glazen Huis (an annual fundraiser, Eds.), a pair of Virgilians made radio for a day. During their…


STAP subsidy in demand for TU Delft courses     It is far from easy for anyone with an interest to get a STAP subsidy for a TU Delft Extension School course. In 2022, there was a trial of six courses. Out of 60 grant applications, 10 were awarded. In 2023, out of 37 applications,…


Paid parking on campus delayed again     The start date of the new parking policy on campus has again been postponed by a few months. Due to a shortage of materials and personnel at the suppliers, the necessary facilities such as barriers and pay machines will not be ready in time, reports the TU…


AccessAbility Week at TU Delft     Studying with a disability brings many challenges. Student Onbeperkt, the platform for TU Delft students with disabilities, is therefore organising the AccessAbility Week from 20 to 24 March in cooperation with support desk Horizon.   With a series of lectures and workshops, the platform wants to draw attention…


Health Week at X     Work on your social, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing during the Health Week from 6 to 12 March. Sports and cultural centre X TU Delft is organising over more than thirty activities. These include free fitness tests, a campus bootcamp and a supermarket safari where you learn to look critically…


Fundraiser for Ukraine     Over a year ago, Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine began. And still the war rages on. The Social Hub Delft is therefore organising a fundraiser for Ukrainians in need on Friday 3 March.     With a walking buffet consisting of various authentic Ukrainian dishes, a silent auction and a…


Delft steps into action after major earthquake     The massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria has killed thousands of people. Local universities and students are ceasing teaching and collecting resources. Students in the Netherlands are busy too.   More than five thousand people are already known to have died in eastern Turkey and northern…


TU Delft students exhibit in Open     This year marks the 300th anniversary of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s death in Delft. In honour of this, TU students have designed an exhibition. Commissioned by TU Delft Science Centre, 25 students from the minor spaces of display designed an exhibition on Van Leeuwenhoek and his successors such…


Scholarship cut-off for 21 Hungarian universities     21 Hungarian universities will no longer receive funding from programmes such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ for the time being. European leaders have suspended all kinds of grants until the Orban government stops violating the rule of law and academic freedom.    According to policy officer Joep…


Saskia van Heumen TU Delft Best Graduate     Saskia van Heumen (clinical technology, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering) was voted TU Delft’s Best Graduate 2022 on Wednesday. Her research on the use of LED photoacoustics in medical imaging could significantly improve the lives of patients suffering from severe lymphoedema.    Robbe Mudde,…


Model exhibition at Architecture     How do you sort and organise maquettes? By colour, size or in chronological order? In the exhibition ‘The sorting Act: Endless ways of organising the Architecture Collections’, you will discover the ways in which this can be done, based on various models made by students over the years. The exhibition…


Grant available for diversity     TU Delft students with a good idea to promote diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion within TU Delft can apply for a diversity grant until 7 November.    The so-called D&I grant funds initiatives by TU Delft students in the field of diversity and inclusion. Think of events, workshops,…


Sinterklaas party on campus     After two covid years in which Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) was forced to stay in Spain, he is coming to the campus again in December.   Staff association Prometheus organises a Sinterklaas party for all TU Delft employees with young children on Saturday 3 December. Numerous activities will be organised…


Come out of the pink closet at Pulse     On 11 October it is Coming Out Day, an international day to raise awareness about openly expressing your sexual orientation or gender identity.   The LGBTI network for TU Delft employees, True U, will place a pink closet in front of the entrance to Pulse…


This weekend: Health festival Delft     This weekend is the very first edition of Health Festival Delft. During the two-day free festival, you will learn more about food allergies, the effects of alcohol or how to make your own healthy sandwich toppings. There are also dance and yoga workshops and an exhibition on female…


Delft solar car wins in South Africa     Students from the Brunel Solar Team have won the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa with their solar car Nuna11s. On Friday 9 September, the eight-day race for solar cars started in Johannesburg. After more than 4,000 kilometres, the Nuna 11s finished as the winner. The…


Popronde returns to Delft     After two years of corona, the travelling festival Popronde returns to Delft. On Thursday night 22 September, 25 acts will play on a variety of stages in the city centre. Besides bars such as De Joffer and Bebop, this edition also includes performances at special locations such as record…


Train strike: what is TU Delft doing?     Dutch railway (NS) staff will strike again on Friday 9 September. There are no trains running throughout the Netherlands that day. At TU Delft lectures, promotions and graduation ceremonies continue as usual. The unions are once again campaigning for a new, better labor agreement. According to…


Dyson Award for TU Delft student     German exchange student Konstantin Wolf (Industrial Design Engineering) has won the Dutch James Dyson Award with Breathe, a compact ventilation system to improve air quality in small living spaces. Wolf developed Breathe especially for tiny houses. A special feature of the system is that it takes up…


Piratenpartij en STIP decorate security cameras     On George Orwell’s birthday, the Piratenpartij and Stip decorated dozens of cameras in Delft neighbourhoods last Saturday. The Delft parties are critical of the use of camera surveillance by the police, municipality and private parties. They say the use of camera surveillance is almost by definition an…


Students organise volunteer day     Under the name StudentDoet! Delft students are organising a volunteer day in Delft on Tuesday 31 May.   During the event, organized by Studenten Vrijwilligerswerk Delft (SVD) and Oras, as many students as possible will volunteer. They will organise a sports day at elementary schools and a benefit concert…


Tram 19 delayed once again     Although work has started on the construction of the tramway on the Sint Sebastiaansbrug (in Dutch), the tram will not be crossing TU Delft campus this year either. According to the municipality of Delft, the construction is – again – taking longer than expected because the trams are being…


Survivalrun on campus     Miles of climbing and scrambling on campus. This weekend the TU Delft grounds were the setting for SurvivalStrijd, the annual survival run organized by members of the student outdoor sports association Slopend.    (Photo: Katja Wijnands) During the survival run, hundreds of participants completed a course of obstacles as quickly…


Commemorations in Delft     On Wednesday, May 4, the many victims of the Second World War and of war violence since that time are remembered. Commemorations take place at several locations in Delft.   Also at TU Delft. At 4 PM the Executive Board, Study Association Council (StudieVerenigingenRaad), Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging (MV) and VereningsRaad (VerRa)…


Royal decorations for TU Delft staff and alumni   Terug naar het Nederlands   Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde was appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion on Tuesday. Mudde received the award from the hands of Mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt, who praised his commitment to the education and wellbeing…


Pre OWee for international Bachelor students     This year, international bachelor students can participate in a Pre-OWee for the first time ever. During the digital meeting on 20 May, incoming TU Delft students will learn about the introduction week, and why the university recommends participation.   This year’s OWee will take place from 21…


English debate ahead of Municipal Council Elections     The Municipal Council Elections are coming up soon. On Wednesday March 16 all European citizens of 18 years of age or older and non-EU citizens who have been registered in the municipality for a minimum of 5 years, can vote.   But who to vote for?…


Wat is er nodig om de auto vaker te laten staan en welk alternatief vervoer heeft de voorkeur? Dit onderzoekt de TU Delft in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat en het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Hoewel Nederlanders sinds de coronapandemie meer thuiswerken en digitaal beter bereikbaar zijn, is het onverminderd druk op de snelwegen. Hoe komt…


Is innovatie altijd progressie? Tijdens het VeerEvent op woensdag 23 februari gaan TU-onderzoeker Odette Scharenborg (EEMCS) en modeontwerper Borre Akkersdijk hierover in discussie. Het Delftse VeerEvent is onderdeel van een reeks discussieavonden in verschillende Vlaamse en Nederlandse studentensteden met als overkoepelend thema ‘Vast in versnelling’. Wat levert versnelling van technologische ontwikkelingen op? Gaat het…


Protest against the housing crisis     On Sunday 6 February, a Delft protest against the housing crisis will be organised in the Poptapark. Last year, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the national housing market policy.   Like other housing protests, the Delft Housing Action endorses the Housing…


Student without face mask hits security guard     A student of Avans University of Applied Sciences hit a security guard in the face who confronted him about not wearing a face mask. He was suspended for twelve days.  The student missed several exams and resits because of this. Because he considers this “disproportionate”, he…


TU Delft polls: how are you doing?     How do you feel and what do you think are the biggest challenges of hybrid working? This is what TU Delft is asking in a new work and well-being survey.   This week, all staff members received an e-mail from the Executive Board with the request…


Batavierenrace Team looking for runners     The TU Delft Batavierenrace Team is looking for fast student runners to participate in the Batavierenrace on April 29th and 30th.   After a third place in the online race in 2021, the TU Delft team hopes to do well again in this year’s 175-kilometre relay race from…


500 student houses in Rijswijk     The municipalities of Delft and Rijswijk have signed an agreement for the development of student housing in Rijswijk. In a joint press release, both municipalities state that at least 500 affordable homes will be built for students.   These houses are to be constructed on a campus to…


Scabies outbreak in two Delft student houses     Scabies was detected in two Delft student houses in November. The skin disease, caused by a mite, causes allergic reactions such as itching and red bumps on the skin.   Although they are extra alert on outbreaks of scabies, according to the GGD Haaglanden it is…


TU Delft asks for understanding for colleagues with young children     Following the new corona measures, TU Delft has called on its staff to show understanding for colleagues with young children.   Primary schools and after-school care facilities will be closed next week – the week before the Christmas holidays – to reduce the…


Registration for Delft Pop Prize now open     Acts and bands from Delft and the surrounding area can register for the Peter Tetteroo Bokaal. The regional pop award is part of the Delft Westerpop festival that takes place on 8 and 9 July 2022.   Participants can register until 1 April 2022 via the…


‘t Je van het Loket wins Food Truck Awards     Foodtruck ‘t Je van het Loket has won the Food and More Food Trucks Awards 2021. The trophy for the best mobile kitchen on the TU Delft campus was awarded on Tuesday, December 7.   Students and employees could vote online for their favourite…


Spirit Day at TU Delft     Since 2010, the Netherlands has celebrated Purple Friday every second Friday in December. On this day, people can show their solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community by wearing something purple. Delta’s social media logos are therefore given a purple colour for one day.   Purple Friday was inspired by…


First Delft Student Neighbours’ Day     On the very first Delft Student Neighbours’ Day, Delft students brought packages of biscuits and soup to their neighbours. The initiative stems from the ‘Hart voor m’n Stad’ campaign, in which students organise activities for all Delft citizens. The original idea was that students and neighbours would get…


  Students plant flower bulbs on campus     Volunteers from ‘Natuurlijk Delfland’ and students from ‘Buitensport Vereniging Slopend’ have together planted two thousand flower bulbs on the TU Delft campus.   (Photo: Dominic Dijkshoorn)   On Sunday 21 November, volunteers planted thousands of bulbs in the Nature Playground Hammenpoort on the Rotterdamseweg to support…


Military practice at the Reactor Institute     For six weeks, the Reactor Institute Delft (RID) will be the setting for drills by the Ministry of Defence and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Kmar). The location is part of a combined external safety exercise with TNO Defence, in which employees of the Ministry of Defence and…


Diversity & Inclusion week at TU Delft   Klik hier om terug te gaan naar de Nederlandse versie   For the first time ever, the TU Delft Diversity & Inclusion Office is organising a Diversity & Inclusion Week. From 4 to 8 October, various online and hybrid events will take place,…


Studium Generale dives into history     What can today’s engineers learn from the history of science and technology? In a series of four Lipkens lectures, Studium Generale, together with the Academic Heritage Team of the TU Library, will dive into history. The namesake of the lecture, Antoine Lipkens, is the founder of TH Delft, the…


Start-ups get to work in Kabeldistrict   The KD Lab, a business workplace for start-ups and scale-ups, has officially opened. The lab is located in a factory hall in the Cable District and offers ten to fifteen young companies space to develop and produce their ideas.   In early 2021, the KD Campus,…


Campus catering reopened after one and a half years   Almost one and a half years after the shutdown of the campus catering, all locations are open again according to normal hours. However, there are corona measures in place at the various locations. Wearing a face mask is mandatory and the restaurant in…


Pop-up vaccination location on campus TU Delft students and employees can be vaccinated against Covid-19 on campus without an appointment. GGD Haaglanden will be present at sports and culture centre X from Tuesday 31 August with a temporary vaccination location. An injection with Janssen or BioNTech/Pfizer can be taken without an appointment, without…


In his search for wild bees on campus, alumnus Dominic Dijkshoorn found more than 40 different species. Delta went with him and immediately spotted a rare species.


Delft Campus tunnel opens   After one and a half years of construction work, the new bicycle and pedestrian tunnel at Delft Campus station is open. The tunnel is part of the renovation of the former Delft Zuid railway station and connects the station area, the TU campus, the adjacent Schieoevers area…


High number of ‘no-shows’ at TU Delft Library   The TU Delft Library is fed up with the high number of ‘no-shows’; students who reserve a place to study, but then do not turn up.   The Library has 220 study places available daily, all of which are reserved. According…


#Vegaterror: pig farmers angry at TU Delft   The news that the cafeteria at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is switching to a full vegetarian menu is not to everyone’s liking. De Telegraaf and AD newspapers called it a punishment, the tweet of Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen was repeatedly subject to the…


Architecture goes vegetarian   All canteens at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are switching to a fully vegetarian menu. Het Ketelhuis kicked off on 3 May and immediately had a scoop: it is the first Dutch university cafetaria that no longer sells meat.   The vegetarian…


Delft wants more educational talent   To make more people enthusiastic about teaching science and technology subjects, the municipality of Delft and TU Delft have signed a collaboration agreement. In the plan, both parties aim to attract and retain potential teaching talent. This is necessary because there is a shortage of…


Fire in boiler room TU Delft Library   A fire broke out in the TU Delft Library on Sunday morning, 11 April. It started in one of the technical rooms – a boiler – on the fourth floor.  When the incident occurred, about 200 students and employees were present. They were evacuated and were…


Women in Career event   Compared to their male colleagues, twice as many female young professionals are unhappy in their current job. This is the conclusion of research by   To help young women, employed or jobless, in their career, the job site therefore organises the online Women in Career event…


Production of Nuna11 underway   In Zwolle, the Vattenfall Solar Team has started the production of its newest solar car: Nuna11. Mayor Peter Snijders opened the production hall on Friday 19 March and gave the official start signal for construction.The new solar car should be ready by the end of May.   …


Water-walking tour through Delft   What is happening in Delft in terms of water development? Discover it at World Water Day during the Water-walking tour.  The tour through Delft’s city centre, focusses on global and local water issues. For example, what is Delft’s contribution to the United Nations’ sustainability targets and what are Hoogheemraadschap…


Queue for TU Aula polling station   During the elections to the House of Representatives, voting can take place at around forty locations in Delft. Special locations include the Oude Kerk and the Nieuwe Kerk. According to Twitter users, the latter is particularly popular, with long queues forming on a regular basis. Voters…


Voting pencil on Marktplaats In a number of municipalities, voters are allowed to take the red pencil home with them to avoid contamination with the coronavirus.  This is unique, because it is the first time that the voting pencils are not left behind at the polling stations. A voter from Delft saw a business…


Delft also sounds climate alarm   More than 35 thousand people sounded the alarm on Sunday 14 March for a greener and fairer climate policy. Just before the elections, 45 local climate coalitions asked attention for the climate crisis and the need for a fairer and more decisive climate policy. Because…


Online lunch lectures during the ‘Onbeperkt Studeren week’ Studying with a disability brings along many challenges, but there are also many possibilities. That is why Student Onbeperkt, the platform for TU Delft students with a disability, organises the Onbeperkt Studeren week from 15 until 19 March. In a series of online lunch lectures, various topics…


Motion sickness in self-driving cars   Is there an increase in the occurrence and severity of motion sickness in self-driving cars? And what can be done to better model passenger comfort when automated cars become a reality?   Master student Adarsh Pattanayak (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering) researches how…


TU Delft student selected for national rugby team Michaja van Capel (Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences) has been selected by national coach Sylke Haverkorn for the Dutch national rugby team (Women 15S).    The player of SRC Thor is preparing with the national team for an important game in the…


Falling snow causes problems at Stieltjesweg At the residential tower on Stieltjesweg, falling ice has been causing problems since Wednesday afternoon. The culprit is the thawing of a thick snow layer that accumulates in the windowsills, causing pieces of frozen snow to fall down with some regularity.   After consultation with TU Delft…


TU students build circular observation tower in New Delft    A exceptional object is emerging on the Westlandseweg in Delft: a temporary, circular observation tower. The tower, made almost entirely of wood, has been designed by TU Delft students Edmund Thomas Green and Ludvig Sundberg (Architecture and the Built Environment). They won a design…


Andy van den Dobbelsteen new Sustainability Coordinator    The Executive Board has appointed Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen as Sustainability Coordinator at TU Delft as of 1 January 2021. The term of the appointment will initially be four years. Van den Dobbelsteen will fill the position two days a week, succeeding Sustainable Business…


Participants Ultramarathon donate $6692 to WAAW Foundation After two months of walking, running and cycling, the participants of the MSE Ultramarathon reached the finish line on Monday 4 January.    During the Ultramarathon, 77 employees and students from the Department of Material Science and Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering) travelled…


Vaccination certificate as a reward   There is support among the Dutch for the introduction of a vaccination certificate that gives more freedom to people who take the vaccine in case of an outbreak. This appears from research conducted by scientists from TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, RIVM, Maastricht University and Roskilde University. …


Is your light on yet?   This year, the Christmas period will be unlike previous years for many students. While some will visit friends or family, other students will spend the holidays alone. For example, because traveling to their home country is currently not possible.     “This pandemic is making many…


Anonymous contributor gives University of Groningen 35 million The University of Groningen received an amount of 35 million euros from a former student. It is the largest donation in the history of this university. Of the donation, 30 million euros will go to CogniGron, Groningen’s research into materials for the computers of the future.…


Celebrate Lichtjesavond online Tuesday, December 8th, the Dark Days of Delft traditionally start with ‘Lichtjesavond’. This year no strolling on the Christmas market, but a live broadcast with music and other acts. The show can be watched from 8pm, directly after the press conference, at TV West or YouTube.   Immediately…


Light rail between campuses? A light rail connection from Leiden, via Delft to Dordrecht. This is advocated by a coalition of forty regional parties. This new public transport route should better connect universities, businesses and residents.   The plan is part of the Zuid-Holland Growth Agenda, a campaign of the province of…


200 students celebrated digital Diwali   Travel restrictions and limited social activities affected this year’s Diwali festival of lights. In order to keep spirits up, the Indian Student Association (ISA) in Delft therefore organised a digital Diwali festival. On Saturday 28 November, over thirty participants performed as more than 200 students enjoyed the festivities…


What do you need to succeed on the job market? Librae, the TU Delft network for female students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), will investigate the challenges students encounter during their studies as they prepare for their future careers. The research, focusing on the role of gender and diversity, is open to all engineering students. Librae…


Team ZED wins 4TU Impact Challenge A team of TU Delft students has won this year’s second edition of the 4TU Impact Challenge. With their win, team ZED (Zero Energy Development) secured a spot at the World Expo in Dubai which is being held from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The 4TU…


Georgios Andreadis is Best Graduate 2020   Georgios Andreadis has been elected Best Graduate 2020. He graduated at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS) on the capacity planning of cloud data centers. Like the roads they are on, and the dikes they are behind, cloud data centers are…


Three million registrations for MOOCs TU Delft has welcomed the three millionth registration for online courses (MOOCs). Registrations for the worldwide available Massive Open Online Courses peaked in mid-March, when the first lockdown started in many countries. The number of registrations then tripled from around six thousand to around twenty thousand per week. This peak…


TU Delft Library expands opening hours   As of Saturday, October 24, the TU Delft Library will expand its opening hours. The Library will be accessible daily from 8:00 a.m. to midnight for borrowing and returning books. There is also a limited number of study places available. Students are required to book a study place in…


Day of Sustainability symposium For the third year in a row, GreenTU, a student organisation devoted to stimulating sustainability in education, is organizing the Day of Sustainability symposium.    The event will take place online via Zoom on Saturday 10 October. During the symposium, participants will follow various workshops and lectures. For example, Marie Sam…


No face masks at Dutch universities yet Students and staff do not yet have to wear a face mask at Dutch universities, the University Association’s (VSNU) website says. The mayor of Amsterdam advises everyone to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, but universities are not included. “Of course, any additional instructions from the…


Winners will have to wait for TU Delft hoodies Students and employees who have won a TU Delft hoodie during the opening of the academic year game, will not receive it for the time being. The idea of using multiple time slots on different days to hand out the sweaters has been rejected by…


A website to help combat the increasing number of infections   A website with important information and tips on the coronavirus should combat the increasing number of infections among students. On (Dutch only), an initiative of the Delft Chamber of Associations (VeRa), the municipality, TU Delft and the GGD Delft students are…


The Student Hotel Delft welcomes first guests Despite the corona measures and many travel restrictions, The Student Hotel (TSH) welcomed 238 students during its first check-in day. Over ninety percent of this group came from abroad.   In line with RIVM’s advice, TSH requests guests traveling from orange or red areas to…


Will TU students build the longest crate bridge?   After more than a year of preparation, ten TU Delft civil engineering students will attempt to build the longest beer crate bridge in the world. The current world record (26.69 meters) is in the hands of TU Eindhoven.   …


Aerospace Engineering students say thanks   In order to show appreciation to all lecturers and support staff of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (A&S), study association VSV “Leonardo da Vinci” has recorded a special message. In the video, several AE-students express their gratitude to all those who make remote studying possible. In May, a similar video…


Over 3000 people play TU Delft OAY game Over three thousand TU Delft students and staff have played the Opening Academic Year (OAY) game. On a virtual campus, 2099 students and 1074 employees collected as many blue flames as possible. All to have a chance to win one of three thousand limited edition TU…


New support program bypasses students   For another nine months, the Dutch government will continue to support the economy. But students with temporary jobs are not included in the new support program that the government recently announced.  Until halfway through 2021, ailing companies will be able to receive financial support for their wage…


Cafe Huszár offers study places The new academic year is about to begin, but studying on campus is still limited due to the amount of available study places. For the time being, students will be condemned to their room or studio. For those who do want to get out, Huszár is the place to…


Checking in with your campus card: what about privacy?   TU Delft takes various measures in the public space to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors. One of these measures is checking in with your campus card. However, the student council is concerned about the privacy of students. What will happen…


New members student council In their last monthly meeting with the Executive Board, current members of the student council said their goodbyes as new members from the factions of Oras (7) and Lijst Bèta (3) introduced themselves.   Since two years, English has been the official language during the meetings. Whether that will…


Restitution sports center X Students and employees with a membership to sports and culture center X will soon receive notification about refunds. Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde announced this on 26 August during his monthly meeting with the Student Council. The refund will conclude the months in which X was forced to close its…


Spar Stieltjesweg reopened Good news for residents of the student housing tower on the Stieltjesweg: Spar University is open again from Monday, August 24. The supermarket closed at the end of March due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. “Our sales are dropping and our teams are worried,” a press officer said at the time. 


From SpaceX to Hilversum The SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition was cancelled this year, but that doesn’t stop the students of the Delft Hyperloop team from undertaking their own record attempt. Friday July 17th the team hopes to break the current Delft Hyperloop record of 202 kilometers per hour on their own 368 meter long test…


25 years of TU Delft in photos After a successful exhibition at TU Delft Library, the display ‘TU Delft community – 25 years photography by Sam Rentmeester ‘ can now also be seen in the Prinsenkwartier. Sam Rentmeester has been working as a photographer for more than 25 years for, among others, Delta…


Campus directors call for government support The Dutch government must make a structural contribution to the (continued) development of campuses and science parks. This is what the directors of the ten largest campuses in the Netherlands wrote in the Manifesto Top Locations that was presented on Wednesday. They argue for government support in five…


TU Delft students not abroad for the time being Following an exchange programme or a minor abroad this year? Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the plans of hundreds of TU Delft students are on hold for the time being. They are forced to cancel or postpone their trip and will need continue their studies…


Not yet an ombudsperson for students TU Delft is investigating two options to deal with the departure of Niek Graafland, former ombudsman students. This said vice rector Rob Mudde in his most recent meeting with the student council. The first option is for Job van Luyken, staff ombudsman, to fulfil a temporary double…


Library will reopen partially Wednesday 8 July the Library will reopen partially, with a limited number of places available for students to study. Reopening will be subsequent to timeslots. Fifty students will be allowed in the morning and fifty students in the afternoon. Students can register for a study place. A link for reservation…


New director TU Delft Library Dr Irene Haslinger has been appointed director of TU Delft Library with effect from 1 September 2020. She succeeds Wilma van Wezenbeek, who has been appointed director of Student and Educational Affairs at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Haslinger joined TU Delft as faculty secretary of the Faculty of…


Employee well-being surveys TU Delft now wants to conduct surveys now, in September and in December to monitor the well-being of employees during the corona crisis. Ena Voûte, Dean of Industrial Design Engineering and chair of the Covid-19 working group on work and well-being, stated this. In the video below, Voûte explains that, operationally speaking,…


In line for coffee One and a half meters distance, plastic pannels and disinfecting your hands at the entrance. The hospitality industry on the TU Delft campus opened its doors partly on Monday 15 June. Under strict conditions the foodtruck Chicken Curry & Chips at Freezone C (Mekelpark, in front of the Applied Sciences faculty),…


Sebastiaansbridge open again The new Sint Sebastiaansbrug was officially opened on Friday 12 June. After more than fifteen months cars, buses, cyclists, and pedestrians are able to cross it again.   Although the new bridge is suitable for tram line 19, it will take some time before it will run. The…


Campus hospitality to reopen 15 June The Coffeestar in Coffee&Bikes, Sapori di Casa in The Fellowship, Tostiworld in Pulse and foodtruck Chicken Curry & Chips at Freezone C (Mekelpark, for the faculty TNW); these four catering establishments will reopen from 15 June until at least 28 August. The terraces of The Fellowship and the square…


Salary increase of 3.0% as of 1 June Thanks to a final agreement between negotiators from the employers’ association VSNU and the trade unions, university employees will receive a pay increase of 3% as of 1 June. In addition, employees will also receive a one-off payment of 750 euros gross on the basis of a…


Research energy built environment bundled Many people think of energy as electricity, but in households three quarters of the energy consumed is heat – mostly from natural gas. The phasing-out of gas production combined with climate targets is putting pressure on the large-scale development of climate-neutral buildings. As of 1 June, TU Delft is…


Currently no ombudsperson for students With the retirement of Niek Graafland, TU Delft students are currently without an ‘ombudsperson’. This person can act as an independent intermediary between the complainant and the subject of the complaint. A recruitment procedure for a replacement has not yet started, as became clear during a meeting of the Central Student Council with…


Project March produces podcast Despite the corona crisis, some TU Delft Dream Teams keep going. Project March took this time to develop and produce MARCH On Air. In this fortnightly podcast, team members Stijn van Weegberg and Margriet Klinckhamers talk with a guest about various topics, from the origins of Project March to the future of biomedical technology. …


Waste separation stations in the Architecture building and the Aula At the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and in the Aula, waste will be collected separately from 1 June. During a six-month pilot, all loose waste bins at these locations will be replaced by waste stations where paper, PMD (plastic, metal and…


Sebastiaansbridge reopens 12 June On Friday 12 June the new Sebastiaansbridge will reopen for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and public transportation. However, tram 19 will not run for the time being. This is what the board of mayor and aldermen writes (Dutch only) in a letter to the municipal council. The delay is mainly due to…


On Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May, all students are invited to vote for a candidate for the central student council and one for the faculty student council. Since the university is closed, all campaigning is being done online. Together with Oras, Lijst Bèta and the New Media Centre, TU Delft is hosting a…


This year His Majesty the King awarded nine Delft inhabitants a royal decoration. Among them are two TU Delft employees: Ted Barendse (Information Management) and Professor Klaas van Breugel (Civil Engineering & Geosciences). Due to the coronation measures, mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt was unable to present the awards during the traditional Lintjesregen (literally Ribbon Rain). Therefore,…


A petition to make mandatory courses at TU Delft optional due to the coronavirus outbreak has been signed over 1050 times. The petition, initiated by the anonymous account TUDelft Student aims to give students the option to work from home. A precaution that TU Delft, as of last week, only advises students and employees with respiratory…


In TU Delft’s current timetable, resits are taken in the summer, in week 33, the second week of August. The Executive Board recently proposed bringing the resits forward to the third week of July (week 30). This would commence in the 2020/2021 academic year. The idea behind this proposal is that students, teachers and support…


In TU Delft’s current timetable, resits are taken in the summer, in week 33, the second week of August. The Executive Board recently proposed bringing the resits forward to the third week of July (week 30). This would commence in the 2020/2021 academic year. The idea behind this proposal is that students, teachers and support…


In het huidige TU Delft rooster zijn hertentamens in de zomer gepland in week 33, de tweede week van augustus. Het college van bestuur stelde onlangs voor deze hertentamens met ingang van collegejaar 2020/2021 drie weken te vervroegen naar de derde week van juli (week 30). Het idee is dat studenten, docenten en ondersteunend personeel…


During an hour-long protest on campus the newly formed Delft branch of Extinction Rebellion (XR Delft) presented itself to the TU Delft community. With lunch hour at its peak, XR Delft climbed the picnic tables behind the Aula. Armed with protest signs the group of nearly fifteen people presented five demands of action they believe the university…


A revised version of the Delft Design Guide has been released in the Netherlands. The first copies were recently distributed among the many Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) researchers and teachers who contributed to the new 2.0 edition. The first edition of the ‘Blue Book’ was composed of years of experience of design students, professionals, researchers and…


The Mekelpark will be undergoing renovation, writes TU Delft. During a period of two weeks, at the end of February, 76 trees will be replaced by new ones. Some of the trees are sick or damaged by storms, other are showing signs of stunted growth and will never fully mature the way the architect originally intended. All the…


A consortium of Utrecht University, TU Delft and Wageningen University was granted EUR 1 million by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for their research ‘Accelerating the transition to plant-based proteins’.   Since the environmental impact of meat and dairy production is immense, Utrecht University, TU Delft and Wageningen University will research what needs to…


As a relatively large group of TU Delft students and staff regularly travel to and from China, the university has taken extra precautions regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. On-campus, the university has distributed posters to draw people’s attention to the hygiene measures they can take. Contact surfaces, like doorknobs, are cleaned extra and additional soap dispensers…