View allThe Student Council is delving into the recently announced cutback measures requiring all faculties to reduce their costs by 10%. In a strongly worded response, the student representatives warn that this blanket approach to economising will jeopardise the quality of education.
Dap Hartmann watched four hardly seen videos about TU Delft’s strategy on YouTube. He noticed that they are full of empty statements and meaningless phrases, and wonders who on earth wrote them.
During the Covid pandemic, student life was locked down. What do you do as a first-year student, full of expectations, when lockdowns suddenly place you in quarantine? For Delft student Richard Lamb Jr. (22), it became the inspiration for his first film: Quarantine Crush. He talks about his journey from lockdown stress to film festivals.
Universities have become too dependent on large American IT companies, many researchers believe. They wonder if there is still a way back. In February, five Dutch universities will launch a trial with the NextCloud open source platform. What if this proves successful?
A majority of the House of Representatives wants all Dutch higher education institutions to develop plans to improve academic freedom. KNAW expert André Nollkaemper is open to the idea. “The basic principle should be that staff and students treat each other with respect, but there’s nothing wrong with a heated discussion.”
‘No alcohol for young people’. That’s the descriptive title of Nico van der Lely’s new book. The Delft paediatrician is still seeing too many students with alcohol poisoning at his hospital alcohol department. “Getting drunk has become a competition.”
Universities are given an additional task: to register thousands of prospective students and employees for a security check every year. Universities and MPs wonder whether that will work.
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