Dap Hartmann is throwing a party. He also has something to trade in.
If all Bachelor’s programmes became Dutch-taught, higher education would shrink by 8.6 percent, researchers from Groningen have calculated. International students and scientists will stay away and this will end up costing the Netherlands a lot of money.
Poor maintenance, rising rents, and the threat to demolish or sell student housing. TU Delft students are becoming increasingly concerned about their housing say several interest groups in a report.
On Thursday, the last day of the introduction week, all the participants gathered in the Mekelpark for the Your Own Frequency festival. They wandered along the info stands and screamed in the carousel.
The large majority of the House of Representatives does not want Chinese PhD candidates on scholarships from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to have access to sensitive fields of research any longer. This was voted on on Tuesday.
TU Delft is currently investigating who is behind the DDoS attack at the end of May. In the investigation, it is dependent on the cooperation of hosting companies and cloud services