
Knowledge security

How do you screen new employees from outside the European Union? Should you work with international partners or not? And what scientific areas are being scrutinised closely? Knowledge security involves constantly trying to find the balance between academic freedom and security. As the biggest technical university in the Netherlands, TU Delft believes it has a duty to lead the way. Is that the case? And if so, what is its policy, the issues it has to weigh up and what sometimes goes wrong? Read all about it in this dossier.


Dutch only Op dinsdag 13 december houdt de TU Delft een hybride symposium over Kennisveiligheid. “Daar willen we wetenschappers van de TU bijpraten over wat we doen op het gebied van kennisveiligheid en hoe zij daar zelf mee aan de slag kunnen”, vertelt TU-programmadirecteur kennisveiligheid Peter Weijland. Wetenschappers kunnen zowel digitaal als fysiek deelnemen. …