Off campus
The OWee is around the corner and soon everyone will be studying and working hard again. But a lot happened in higher education over the summer holiday. Read a overview below.
In September, employees of Dutch universities will get a salary increase of 3.7 percent and a one-off payment of 300 euros. In January, salaries will be increased by another one percent. Social safety will also be improved. What do the local TU Delft unions think about this?
Unions are disappointed that the negotiations for the collective labour agreements for universities have been difficult. Universities are reportedly reluctant to talk about social safety in particular.
It is a job that some people would kill for: university lecturer at TU Delft. Nevertheless, Volkert van der Wijk exchanged his highly desirable position to become an artist. And he does not regret his decision. “I now have more time for both art and science.”
According to sources of broadcaster NOS, Eppo Bruins will be the new minister of Education on behalf of Nieuw Sociaal Contract. Bruins chairs advisory council AWTI and was a member of the House of Representatives for ChristenUnie until 2021.
In legal proceedings, Cursor editor Bridget Spoor demands that the blacked out sections in an investigative report about censorship are made public. This was reported by Cursor, the journalism platform of TU Eindhoven. In the report, an investigative committee writes that the Executive Board stood in the way of ‘free journalistic operations’.
She is a candidate in the European Parliament elections of 6 June and she wants more engineers in politics. Meet cyber security manager Ellen Mok: “Opportunities that engineers get are determined in Brussels.”
Fewer international students, significant cuts in higher education and science, and extra money for students belonging to the so-called bad luck generation. These are some of the resolutions in the outline agreement between PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB.
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