The board photo: the way for student boards to put themselves and their association on the map. What are they working on for the rest of the year? We asked the 78th Board of the Proteus-Eretes rowing association.
During the Covid pandemic, student life was locked down. What do you do as a first-year student, full of expectations, when lockdowns suddenly place you in quarantine? For Delft student Richard Lamb Jr. (22), it became the inspiration for his first film: Quarantine Crush. He talks about his journey from lockdown stress to film festivals.
‘No alcohol for young people’. That’s the descriptive title of Nico van der Lely’s new book. The Delft paediatrician is still seeing too many students with alcohol poisoning at his hospital alcohol department. “Getting drunk has become a competition.”
Poor maintenance, rising rents, and the threat to demolish or sell student housing. TU Delft students are becoming increasingly concerned about their housing say several interest groups in a report.
The slow-progress penalty may have been scrapped, but there’s still plenty of work to do for student unions LSVb and ISO. Meanwhile, both organisations are looking for new board members.
Snowboarding on the Markt. Who would ever have thought it? Last weekend Drop, the students board sports association, turned the city square into a snowboarding paradise. It was a real snow spectacle.
It takes a bit of getting used to when you first come to TU Delft to study. How do first years handle this? Delta follows bachelor and master students during their first year at TU Delft. Part 2: the first few months are finished.
Do EEMCS students really smell that bad? No. A call that went viral to shower more often did not come from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, but from a teacher at the University of Toronto. Smell was a problem there. ‘It gave some students migraines.’
The long-term study penalty may be withdrawn and replaced with another cutback. According to RTL Nieuws, Minister Eppo Bruins is discussing this with his colleagues in the government. One would be to increase tuition fees for all students, another to raise fees only for internationals.