Delft city council wants action plan for student housing

An action plan that states how in the short term more student housing will be realized in Delft, should be made. That is what the Delft City Council wants. On Thursday 17 October  they voted in favour of a motion of council party STIP.

In the meeting, the council discussed the Housing Monitor 2024 (in Dutch), published in September. From that document, it became clear that the Delft housing market for young people and students remains very tight. The municipality wants to add 15 thousand homes until 2040. For student housing, the number listed is 3,500 until 2030. But in the Housing Monitor these plans are not concrete enough, according to the council parties.

In addition  at least fifty student houses will disappear in the coming years, according to STIP. Also, student housing company DUWO has planned large-scale renovations. This means that by turns some of these houses will be uninhabitable, increasing the pressure on the rest of the housing stock.

Shared housing

Furthermore, STIP is asking for attention for the disappearing shared student houses, while new-builds are all independent housing units. Council member Lisanne Fung Fen Chung: “The balance between shared student houses and studios is lost. That loss will be very difficult to reverse.”

In their motion, STIP asked for a plan that should be ready to be discussed in the city council before March 2025. The plan should include permanent and temporary solutions, for both new construction and existing housing.

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