A green light for his thesis and almost done with his Computer Science master, Otto Kaaij has started reflecting and has made a resolution.
A new year is a good time to do things differently. No longer just ‘talking the talk’ but taking responsibility for issues like fossil cooperation and Gaza on the basis of arguments and research. However, TU Delft just goes on as usual, concludes columnist Bob van Vliet.
At the end of a tumultuous year, columnist Jan van Neerven finds inspiration in a conductor who returns to his homeland to build something new.
People nowadays live in very different realities, writes Alex Nedelcu. So he asks himself, who does true reality even belong to?
It is crucial that advisory and consultation bodies highlight the reality faced by the university community, thinks Ali Vahidi. To ensure transparency and accountability, advisory and participation outputs should be stored on the TU Delft employees’ portal.
Every year new students start at university who do not enjoy reading and who are not good at it . At secondary school they learned tricks to pass the exam, without developing a real understanding. Columnist Mirte Brouwer sees it as a missed opportunity that TU Delft pays so little attention to reading.
Dap Hartmann went to see the Mindlab theatre performance, in part because he is a victim of the abuse of power at TU Delft. But he believes that it is the abusive bastards and those who protect them who should see the play.
An uncomfortable meeting with someone from Ukraine in a hotel room in Warsaw, Trump’s victory, a new climate report. Otto Kaaij suddenly feels very alone and wonders if his fellow students feel like this too.
Bob van Vliet read TU Delft’s new educational vision and is very annoyed. What is he so worried about?