Bob van Vliet read TU Delft’s new educational vision and is very annoyed. What is he so worried about?
Columnist Jan van Neerven hopes that it will not stop at protests against the severe cuts in education, but that action will also be taken through the courts. In the meantime, mathematics offers him a precious commodity: consensus on what is truth.
Although he still thinks there are plenty of good reasons for humanity to go to space, columnist Alex Nedelcu views his childhood dream of contributing to these endeavours differently: we need to save our own planet first.
Education minister Eppo Bruins has promised to compensate students who fell victim to education agency DUO’s overzealous anti-fraud campaign. This is good news, but what about the ‘reverse burden of proof’? An analysis by the Higher Education Press Bureau that helped uncover the failing fraud hunt.
Any form of anti-social behaviour, no matter how small, deserves immediate attention, writes columnist Ali Vahidi. “Passivity gives people who exploit the system the signal that they can do whatever they want without consequences.”
Many student associations have a communal meal. At student columnist Mirte Brouwer’s association, members cook for each other. She too does this regularly. She is surprised every time by how much 100 people can eat in one evening.
Technicians too should be concerned about the decline of the humanities in the Netherlands, writes TU student Koos Goudswaard. “We need national and international collaboration to deal with worldwide problems and to do this, we need to have knowledge about people and the world.”
Dap Hartmann gets caught up in a seven-step menu to obtain a list of names. Are his expectations of a support system too high?
It is noisy, dark, there is no privacy and there is no second screen. Still, Otto Kaaij swears by his regular study space on the second floor of Building 28. Studying at home does not work for him.