Delta republished an investigative article about the lack of social safety at the Innovation and Impact Centre today. It was originally published on 15 April but the Editorial Office, under protest, removed it later that day. Saskia Bonger, Editor in Chief, explains the backgrounds behind the republishing in this article. Everything associated with it is highly unusual. This also goes for the explanation that, as an exception, is more personal in tone. But this is unavoidable if you yourself are part of the news.
Columnist Birgit van Driel is annoyed by the attitude of the activists on campus. Her message to them: think of a different strategy to convince your interlocutor.
Student Mirte Brouwer has a love-hate relationship with her laptop. Naturally while studying you cannot do without, but could we perhaps use it a little less? She argues for less screen time and more time in the real world.
Dap Hartmann loves books. He advocates for a large-scale library on campus where students and staff can donate or take away books, instead of the little dollhouse Library that was cut down the other day.
Student columnist Bas Rooijakkers bids TU Delft and his readers farewell. In his last column, he lists what has changed at TU Delft (student activism) and what has stayed the same (the Executive Board).
For the exchange of arguments in public, reasoned debate, you’re in the wrong place at TU Delft, writes columnist Bob van Vliet. This is starting to make him cynical.
X (formerly called the Sports and Culture Centre) and the sports and cultural associations cannot do without each other. So why do the student associations have to struggle to get the support they need? This should not be the case, writes columnist Otto Kaaij.
Columnist Jan van Neerven champions press freedom in his first column for Delta. His inspiration comes from his father, who passionately defended this cause as Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Limburgs Dagblad’.
The dream of innovation is simply not enough to take us where we need to be in fighting climate change. Innovation can even hinder progress, writes columnist Alex Nedelcu.