More praise for Space Internet of Things thesis

The PhD thesis ‘Space Internet of Things’ (Space-IoT) by Dr Sujay Narayana has attracted much attention since its defence on 1 May 2023. Narayana won the SigMobile Best Doctoral Dissertation Award with it at the global MobiCom 2024 conference in Washington DC.

MobiCom 2024 nerdparty
Koen Langendoen (promotor), Fernando Kuipers (section leader), Suray Narayana (with prize) and promotor Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad celebrate Narayana’s success at the MobiCom 2024 conference in Washington DC. (Photo: Private collection)

A Space Internet of Things requires hundreds, perhaps thousands of miniature satellites communicating directly with devices on Earth. Because of their small size, Narayana concluded, miniature satellites with ditto solar panels will soon run out of energy. He then developed three innovations that reduced the energy consumption drastically.

Last spring, the quality of Narayana’s work was rewarded with the biannual Kees Schouhamer Imminkprijs from the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Dutch Society for Sciences). The jury noticed ‘as an added value that the dissertation introduces a new area of research, which can be an incentive for more highquality computer science research and many useful applications for society.’

The SIGMOBILE Best Doctoral Dissertation Award underlines the international appreciation for this work. ‘This is the first time that any EU student awarded this coveted prize in the last 10 years’, wrote his PhD supervisor Dr Rango Rao Venkatesha Prasad to Delta.

Dr Narayana did his remarkable PhD research at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (EEMCS) of the TU Delft under supervision of Professor Koen Langendoen and Venkatesha Prasad.

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