
Pull the emergency break

Raise the alarm when you are struggling with mental problems, say Delft student associations.

With the poster campaign ‘Trek WEL aan de bel’, they call on students to seek help when they feel stress and loneliness or other social-emotional problems.

The posters will be distributed in Delft this week. They provide information on where to find help, like contacting student advisors or student psychologists, or what to  do when you are worried about someone else. Those in need of social contact can get to know (new) people through VSSD’s Walk and Talk or the UniLife app.

Besides providing tools, the student associations also hope to break the taboo of talking about psychological problems. In an interview with Delta, student psychologist Wouter Backx said that especially for students from non-Western cultures, it is sometimes more of a challenge to go and see a psychologist. “Sometimes they hear from their families that they are ‘crazy’ because they want to talk to a psychologist. That’s an obstacle. I always say: everyone is a bit crazy. Everyone benefits from psychological help, I sometimes do as well.” (MvdV)

News editor Marjolein van der Veldt

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