Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, from check-in to club parade. This was the OWee on Sunday.
Members of student rowing club Laga during the Associations Parade. (Pictures: Marjolein van der Veldt)
After two years of getting acquainted (partly) through a computer screen, the Delft welcome week OWee is finally taking place as usual. For five days, incoming freshmen are discovering the city and the various associations.
A few minutes before the first participants receive their entry bands, members of student association Sint Jansbrug make the final preparations. With extreme precision, they stretch a banner of their association along the bicycle route from the campus to the city, just before the Hambrug – which, of course, is once again open.
Meanwhile, the campus is buzzing with activity. Starting at 1 PM, the thousands of participants may – in shifts – pick up their OWee bands in the Aula. Pink for freshmen and blue for mentors.
Room seeks student. No living space yet? In the Mekelpark there are dozens of advertisements. Who knows, maybe your dream room is among them.
The fact that the introduction week is physical does not mean that the coronavirus has disappeared. The OWee board therefore calls on all participants to test if they have any symptoms. Free self-tests are available at the information point on campus.
During the Schiediner, many a freshman ‘cook’ his or her first meal ever. With varying degrees of success.
Halfway through the barbecue, participants are treated to a colorful parade.
Rowing club Proteus presents itself.
While hopping, sporting and swinging, various student associations present themselves to the newly arrived students.
Virgiel goes for green in a car.
Student travel association AEGEE has packed its bags for another adventure.
Open youth club the Koornbeurs ‘separates the wheat from the chaff’.
Rugby club SRC Thor is already rising to great heights on day 1.
Outdoor sports club Slopend is keeping it low to the ground.
The dizzying flips of student gymnastics club Pegasus are rewarded with loud applause.
Boardsports club Drop does not need a trampoline to impress.

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