Profit on European science budget Dutch scientists score well in the distribution of European research funds. For every euro that our country contributes to the budget, it gets back 1.70 euros. In a letter to the Lower House, the Cabinet looks back on the European research and innovation programme of…
How can you as a researcher communicate responsibly and effectively about science in a way that connects to society? A team of Wageningen University researchers is aiming to develop recommendations and strategies for doing this offline and online. To do so, they first need to assess current practices, motivations, incentives and responsibilities in the public communication…
Scientist and students have started a campaign called ‘Normaal Academisch Peil’ on Tuesday for more money for scientific education. TU Delft also supports the action, rector magnificus Tim van der Hagen announced earlier via Twitter. The national ‘alarm day’ is an initiative of trade unions, scientists, students and administrators. They want to convince the new…
Million-dollar deal with Elsevier on open science Dutch universities and research institutes have reached an agreement with scientific publisher Elsevier on open access to publications and open science. Dutch researchers can now publish in open access in 95 percent of the Elsevier titles. Their articles will then be freely accessible to everyone, including interested outsiders.…
Uitgerekend in het jaar dat het Science Centre tien jaar bestaat ontving het de 500 duizendste bezoeker. Eigenlijk waren het er twee: Tess en Femm kregen maandag 24 februari 2020 een taart, bloemen en felicitaties. Er staat veel te gebeuren dit jubileumjaar, benadrukt directeur Michael van der Meer. Zo kijkt hij uit naar de presentatie van…