In conjunction with the official launch of the EU PASSME project, the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering is organizing a mini-symposium on Aviation on June 10, 2015, beginning at 16:00.
Featuring a keynote speech by KLM Vice President of Passenger Services Maarten Koopmans and several student presentations on industry-related projects, the event aims to inform students and industry members of the faculty’s work in the area of aviation design. More importantly, the mini-symposium serves as an invitation to its participants to help contribute to the EU-wide research project.
PASSME or Personalised Airport Systems for Seamless Mobility and Experience is part of Horizon 2020, the largest EU Research and Innovation programme. The project seeks to deliver innovative, industry-driven, passenger-centric solutions for airports, passengers and airlines to address the expected increase in demand for commercial flights in Europe by 2050. Initiated by TU Delft, the 36-month-long research project received €4.7 million in funding from the EU and affiliated partners.
“We are leaders of the project,” said Sicco Santema, TU Delft Professor of Marketing and Supply Management and coordinator of the PASSME project. “[We] defined it based on our expertise in this field, found the partners and wrote the proposal, which won the reviews with very high scores, even a five out of five for ‘impact’. [This] is exactly what we wanted to achieve.”
In order to make seamless travel a reality in the aviation industry, PASSME set three high-level targets. First, it aims to reduce the overall door-to-door travel time of passengers by 60 minutes. Second, the project will strive to provide passengers with continuous access to timely information to forecast demand at least 20 minutes in advance. Finally, it intends to improve the quality of experience for at least 70 percent of the passengers throughout the door-to-door journey. In doing so, time efficiency at the airport and informed decision making by both passengers and airlines can be expected to improve.
The official launch of the PASSME project will be held in Delft from June 9 to 11, 2015. “There will be more than 30 people from nine [industry] partners joining this event,” Santema explained. “Part of the kickoff is the mini-symposium informing interested Dutch partners of our Aviation Design Research Program at Industrial Design Engineering, which is broader than the €4.7 million EU project.”
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