Over 1,500 international students joined TU Delft in 2015. And countless other internationals moved with them or for work nearby. Those internationals are looking to expand their professional and social networks and do so through a number of groups available in Delft.
Young Delft
The organisation started in 2007 as a platform for networking among Dutch support staff, but in 2012, it reinvented itself as a space for all young employees of TU Delft under the age of 36. The goal of the organ¬isation is to help employees, especially international staff, get to know each other and develop their skills. The Young Delft board is comprised of volunteers from across the university. “The diversity in backgrounds (both in positions, as well as in cultural background/ nationality) of the board adds value to the activities undertaken,” said Rudy Negenborn, 2012/2013 chairperson of Young Delft. In 2016 regular Happy Hours have been arranged along with other social events such as a Sports Event, Secret Places Tour and Pub Quiz
If your idea of networking involves some fun and games, attend the next event organised by expat group Delftians. Besides weekly squash meets, board game evenings and poker nights, there are also monthly pub quizzes for you to get your geek on. The group started in 2006 with 7 members and has over 1,400 members in their Facebook group today. Joe Neesan, who took over the organisation in 2010, said, “Our motto is ‘We will introduce you to your new friends.'” They organise drinks every two weeks in one of the local pubs (usually at ’t Proeflokaal) and also encourage members to organise events such as film nights, dinners, parties, dog walking, and games nights. “Basically, we try to match new members with people who have the same interests or speak the same language. The TU students mostly enjoy the drinks and meeting up with other TU students to talk about their research,” said Neesan.
Delft Expat Project
Started in 2009 under the aegis of the Gemeente, the Delft Expat Project helps expats feel at home. The organisation arranges an annual event to welcome new expats into the city and help them find their feet. Their website is constantly updated with information about events in the city that would interest expats, such as the Blues Festival and City Walks. They also have a twitter account called Expat Team Delft (@DelftExpats) and a smart phone app called Discover Delft. “The Delft Expat Project team addresses ways in which the city can improve the living and working environments of expats in Delft,” said a note on their Twitter homepage.

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