
More than 3,000 international students at TU Delft

The official number of international students was pegged at 3,151 in December last year, 203 students more than in 2013. Despite the rise in the university’s total student population (19,613 in 2014), internationals still comprised only 16% of TU Delft students.

Nevertheless, the continual increase of international students at TU Delft remains significant. “We believe that having more international students and staff is a positive change, a logical part of being a top university,” said Anka Mulder, TU Delft Vice President for Education and Operations. “At first, our international policies were about numbers, but now those numbers are significant. So we are in the next stage of internationalisation.”

According to the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), 32,476 international students officially enrolled in Dutch universities as of October last year. 

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