After many years of discussion, a day care centre will finally open its doors on the TU Delft campus. The children of university staff will have priority at the internationally-oriented True Colors Delft.
Where once researchers of the TU Delft institute OTB (Research for the Built Environment) worked, young children will soon be eating, playing and sleeping. Over the last few months, the former OTB building at the Jaffalaan, with its small rooms and brown panelling has been transformed into a childcare centre with – for now – immaculate white walls and an remarkable amount of daylight.
Manager Regina Stork of Stichting Rijkwijkse Kinderopvang, the foundation that will be running True Colors Delft, shows Delta the five group spaces. “Each group will have its own theme inspired by nature”, she said, pointing at a blue wall in one of the spaces. Blue is water, orange is fire, and so on. “Other than that we used calm colours”, she explained. With children running around and toys everywhere colour will be everywhere anyway.
There is a lot to still be done before completion on July 21st, 2015 Stork emphasized. And indeed, workmen are still finishing bathrooms, painting and installing electricity. Outside the playground still needs plants, fences and paving. After all that, Stork and her crew will need a few weeks to move in.
True Colors Delft will open on August 24 2015. Parents can still register their children, as there is no waiting list. “Registration opened about eighteen months ago”, Stork said, “And immediately parents registered their children like crazy. That is why we decided to open five groups for twelve children each, all for the ages zero till four. But then opening was delayed and parents found other day care centres for their children. That is why we are starting with only two groups.” The other groups will open as soon as more children register.
International school
University staff children have priority at True Colors, where both Dutch and English will be spoken. Ideally, Stork said, children will speak the same language with the same teacher. Educational themes will connect to those at the neighbouring international school, which is also moving into the former OTB building. The international school, which will also start in the new space in August, now has around eighty pupils and there is a waiting list for the youngest children.
Cooperation is close between the school and the day care, Stork said, while showing class rooms with removable walls. Her Stichting Rijswijkse Kinderopvang will run the after school care also in the building. On top of that the principal of the international school will give a workshop to the pedagogical staff of True Colors on his curriculum, called the Primary Years Programme.
Back in the day care part of the building Stork showed the spacious kitchen. “Each day the children will be served a hot lunch here”, she said. “For take away diner we are looking at the possibilities.”
Parents can choose different contracts for the child centre, depending on how many hours of care they need each day, starting at four hours a day. Also parents can choose the amount of weeks they need annually, from 40 up to 52 weeks. Hour rates differ accordingly. Internationals with a residence permit can get a childcare allowance.
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