

In this individualistic and financially difficult time, everyone seems to be trying to save their own skin. Bankers hide with their bonuses in the legal bushes, while students soon may have to survive starvation on a diet of white beans with tomato sauce, just as in former days.

But we won’t let them wear us down! The campus is more alive than it has ever been before, even though the sandy Mekelpark hides the evidence.
Oras and AAG preach the gospel of yellow and red, our dream teams make fast vehicles and student associations flourish, while TU Delft’s student satellite Delfi-C3, DARE missiles and pieces of the Architecture faculty building are flying through the sky.
The OWee board is running at full speed, Delft Culture Year 2009 provides great events, and we add a little extra with the Summer Festival, StuDuction and many study association and faculty parties.
Of course you cannot be on all of these boards, committees and workgroups on your own. There are many students who try to maintain the average of graduating after about seven years. But on the other hand, your life at TU Delft cannot consist only of books, assignments and lecture notes. Nowadays, in many cases the competition for a new job is great, so employers may value additional activities during your studies. Take advantage of the many extracurricular activities that are offered, and you will profit from it. Networking, organisational skills, and a nice and fun time spent are only a few of the things you can benefit from. International students can also take advantage of the many opportunities available to them.
But where must we draw the line? In the meantime we were very happy to accept the position of coordinators for the first student edition of Delta, to make a Delta for students by students, instead of the regular editorial team.
This is our chance to remind you of all the worthy projects we can be proud of as TU Delft. Instead of ‘just a Delta’, this sTUDelta divulges what is in the students’ minds and will hopefully inspire you to think about your attitude as an engineer in the making.
Was spending our free time on such an initiative worth it? Judge for yourself from the following pages of sTUDelta.
But lest we forget, the Executive Board is trying to make us study even harder by having the ‘harde knip’ and a ‘bindend studieadvies’ rammed down the student’s throat.
Is there even time left to study at all?

Frank van Wijk and Filip Biljecki zijn coördinator van de sTUDelta.

Naam: Erik Workel (41)
Woonplaats: Amsterdam
Verliefd/verloofd/getrouwd: Verloofd met Joost
Studie: Bouwkunde
Afstudeerrichting: Architectuur
Loopbaan: Van 1991 tot en met 1996 was Erik Workel projectmedewerker bij Jeanne Dekkers. Van 1997 tot en met 2000 volgde Workel een postdoc op Staedelschule in Frankfurt. In 1999 begon hij ook als projectarchitect te werken bij Schneider+Schumacher. In 2001 werd hij projectmedewerker bij Mansilla+Tunon in Madrid. Van 2001 tot en met 2004 werkte hij voor Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects. Voor dat bureau werkte hij in Rotterdam, Budapest en Moskou. Vanaf 2006 is hij in dienst van SeARCH. Hij begon daar als projectarchitect en is nu teamleider.

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