Today, the best graduates of 2017 will compete for the Best of TU Delft award of TU Delft. Each faculty has named their best graduate, totalling a number of eight recently graduated cum laude students.

Linda van der Spaa (3mE) is the first one to prove a new piece of theory in her field: the first realistic simulation of a robot arm without an external energy source. It is the intent to publish Linda’s work, with one paper already under review for a major robotics conference. Van der Spaa has obtained a dual degree in Systems & Control and Biomechanical Engineering. She graduated cum laude for both masters.

Leon Helsloot (EEMCS) researched how a user’s privacy can be better secured with the current practices of online personalised advertising. He has developed cryptographic protocols that enable companies to operate in the advertising space in the current manner, yet without gathering specific information and browse behaviour of the users. His work has already led to three publications. Helsloot graduated cum laude in Computer Science.

Samantha Tanzer (TPM) developed new options for biofuel from agricultural waste. Her thesis required a deep understanding of many concepts, systems, technologies and methods to design and assess bio-based supply chains and conversion technologies, while considering different geographical contexts. Her work will be published in two articles.

Rob Richelle (CEG) investigated the mechanisms to disconnect a rail system in subsystems to make it robust against disturbances (MSc TIL parts) and developed a methodology to evaluate the robustness of complex stations (MSc CE / TP). Rob graduated twice with cum laude with two times a 10 for his CE / TP and TIL thesis.

Jet Gispen (IDE) chose the topic of ethics in industrial design for her graduation project. She devised a theoretical framework and developed a conceptual toolkit for designers that can be used in different stages of the design. She also launched a website to create visibility for ethics within the field to stimulate use and dialogue.

Alessandro Arcangeli (ABE) examined the relation between war and architecture, focussing particularly on the role of architecture in the charged process of urban reconstruction. Taking Sarajevo (which was under the military siege of the Serbian army between 1992 and 1996) as a case study, he proposed the entanglement of an architectural project and a psychological program, resulting from the materiality of the post-war context itself.

Michelle van der Helm (AS) chose a project at the crossroads of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. She has worked through the entire path from the isolation and purification of an enzyme to the immobilization of this biological catalyst on an inorganic carrier material and to testing a continuous synthesis. Her master research project resulted in the highest grade: 10 and her work will soon be published.

Tim van Leeuwen (AE) developed an algorithm that can detect and separate, with an unprecedented accuracy, in the time and frequency domain, all types of motion. In addition he tested his method by an experiment with human subjects in the MPI CyberMotion Simulator. Through this experiment, which for the first time used human subjects under controlled conditions, a wide range of motion errors are exposed in a realistic car travel scenario.
Source: Delft University Fund
Read more about the nominees on the website of the Delft University Fund.

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