The name of a minor first year student who was caught with alcohol at the Cantus was shared in an OWee WhatsApp group along with the advice to not accept him as a member.
Energy allowance for some students Some students will receive an energy allowance from the government next academic year after all. The amount involved is 400 euros for students living away from home with a basic grant as well as a supplementary grant. Because of the high energy costs, low-income families received an…
Hundreds fewer students than expected joined the OWee and the Introduction Programme. “It’s a shame that we cannot share information on acceptable behaviour with everyone.”
Students need to learn to handle alcohol responsibly and recognise that not drinking is normal. This is stated in the new Delft alcohol convenant. The OWee is participating.
Utrecht professor dismissed after complaints A Utrecht professor of clinical psychology has been dismissed for transgressive behaviour. Utrecht University received 17 reports, some of which also appear to concern his time at Maastricht University and the Free University (VU) of Amsterdam. The three independent media of those universities conducted a search for…
The coffee bars at the Faculties of EEMCS and CEG have to stop in mid-July. The new campus caterer Appèl wants to open its own coffee concept at these locations.
Coffee Star to stay on IDE square The Coffee Star on the square in front of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), Coffee & Bikes, may stay. The new campus caterer Appèl has signed an agreement with this subcontractor to that effect. Initially, Starbucks was also in the running for this location,…
A researcher at the 3mE Faculty started a petition to keep the Coffee Star on the square in front of the IDE Faculty. It was signed nearly 1,750 times.
‘Students duped by complex institutions’ Universities and universities of applied sciences are a legal jumble of legal entities, says the Inspectorate of Education in its report (in Dutch) Verwarring in Veelvoud (confusion in multitude). Even lawyers are getting lost. This is ultimately to the detriment of students and staff. The inspectorate finds that ‘current…