New caterer

The Coffee Star at the IDE square will stay, but two other coffee bars will go

The coffee bars at the Faculties of EEMCS and CEG have to stop in mid-July. The new campus caterer Appèl wants to open its own coffee concept at these locations.

(Photo: Tyler Nix/Unsplash)

An Appèl spokesperson disclosed this in response to questions from Delta. These followed the news that the Coffee Star on the square in front of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) may stay, despite the fact that Starbucks was also in the running for the location. The small Coffee Star truck on the ground floor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) and the LIT Espresso bar on the first floor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) however will have to go.

Both companies are subcontractors of Cirfood that will cease being the catering company on campus. While TU Delft can make suggestions, Appèl itself decides which companies it will or will not work with. The Appèl spokesperson says that as the Coffee Star on the IDE square has a complete concept, it considers this to be the best option. This is not the case for the coffee bars at EEMCS and CEG. “We thought about it carefully, but as our own concept is somewhat broader it is a better option for both locations,” says the spokesperson.

‘‘We too have a lot of guests and only hire student staff members’’
Matthias van Beek, LIT Espresso-owner

The subcontractors that have to go are naturally disappointed. Jan Willem Keus, the Director of Coffee Star, has two other locations (the one at the TU Delft Library was never in danger as it falls under a different contract) and would like to continue going to events and free zones (places on campus where meetings can be held) with the food truck.

For the owner of LIT Espresso, it’s the end. The bar at CEG was the company’s only location. “I was resigned to the situation,” he says. “But when I heard from the Coffee Star at IDE, I was surprised – and that’s an understatement. We too have a lot of guests and only hire student staff members.” But Appèl’s decision is final, says the catering company’s spokesperson.

It should be mentioned that not all discussions with possible subcontractors have been done. For this reason the Appèl spokesperson cannot yet specify issues such as which food trucks may stay or will open. This also goes for the Cirfood’s employees that work on campus. They will be offered the opportunity to work for Appèl – in line with the CAO (collective labour agreement) – but the choice is theirs. These discussions too have not yet been finalised.

Appèl will open its first five restaurants on 17 July. Other locations will follow in the weeks thereafter, depending on TU Delft’s summer opening times.

Editor in chief Saskia Bonger

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