
Saskia Bonger


More participation in educational innovations     The Dutch parliament voted in favour of a motion to involve co-determination in educational innovations from the start on 24 October. Then fewer things will go wrong, is the expectation.   The reason for the motion was an issue at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, where major…

Many needy students do not know their rights     Many students with support needs due to, for example, illness, disability, informal care or top-level sports still do not know their rights. Some institutions have their facilities and information in order better than others. TU Delft finishes in the middle of a study (in Dutch) by…

Action against cigarette butts on campus     Members of staff association Prometheus have started an action against cigarette butts lying around. On the smoke-free campus, smoking is surprisingly common, judging by the proceeds.   (Photo: Sicco van Grieken)   Following an appeal in the Prometheus newsletter, more than 50 member signed up for the…

Romanian ‘NGO’ scams DUO     A Romanian organisation helped students get fictitious work so that they could apply for study grants in the Netherlands. That was uncovered by Romanian journalists from PressOne.   ‘Romanian NGO scams DUO’, is written above an article about it by the Groningen UKrant. But the Romanian students themselves also…

New party waltzes into Works Council     The new party Young Researchers’ Impact (YRI) will enter the Works Council with six seats. The existing parties – FNV, Democratisch Beleid (DB) and Academisch Belang (AB) – will get six, eleven and two seats respectively. This is the provisional result of the or elections held on…

Dutch only Erik Huisman, tot voor kort admission officer bij Education & Student Affairs van de TU Delft en daarvoor redacteur bij Delta, geeft op 3 oktober in de aula een lezing over zijn leven met kanker. Door zijn ziekte moest Huisman stoppen met werken. Lezingen geeft hij zo nu en dan. Die in…

‘Study drug not illegally imported’     One in 20 students sometimes use drugs like Ritalin without a doctor’s prescription, research (in Dutch) into their mental health and substance use by the National Institute of Public Health (RIVM), the Municipal Health Service (GGD) and the Trimbos Institute showed last year. How do they get it, the…