Annebelle de Bruijn (nieuwsredacteur)

Annebelle de Bruijn

news editor

Annebelle likes to dive into bulky research files for Delta and Delft Matters, but is also always up for reports or other articles. You can ask her anything about the best running routes or the nicest concert halls, podcasts or East Asian restaurants. As a provincial, she has a marriage of convenience with living in the Randstad.


The fine for taking a long time to finish their studies is causing a lot of stress, worry and is making doing a degree programme in higher education extra hard for students with disabilities, says Marissa van der Tol, Chair of Student Onbeperkt. “And that while we already are 3-0 behind other students.” She argues for students with a disability being exempted from the ruling.

Student life

National student organisations have announced demonstrations, the youth branches of political parties have signed an urgent letter to Parliament, and House of Representative members expressed their concerns. There is much resistance against the ‘langstudeerboete’ promoted by the coalition parties. TU Delft student political parties have joined the protesters. “This will damage a group of students that actually need extra support.”

Off campus

In legal proceedings, Cursor editor Bridget Spoor demands that the blacked out sections in an investigative report about censorship are made public. This was reported by Cursor, the journalism platform of TU Eindhoven. In the report, an investigative committee writes that the Executive Board stood in the way of ‘free journalistic operations’.

Dutch scientists in a letter call on Minister Mariëlle Paul to introduce climate education in secondary schools. The letter was sent June 3 and signed by 89 scientists, 20 are from TU Delft. The initiator of the letter, professor of engineering physics Sander Otte also works at TU Delft. 'While politicians spend more than six
TU Delft's accounting was not in order around 2019, writes to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad. According to the newspaper, around that time the university would have appeared poorer than it actually was by fiddling with the financial closure of projects. For example, in one of the financial statements, positive balances would have been written
Earlier this week, TU Delft suffered a DDos attack. During the night of Monday 27 May to Tuesday 28 May  TU Delft servers were attacked from multiple countries. The attack continued until Tuesday evening and explicitly targeted TU Delft, writes TU News. In a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, servers of in this case
On Friday 19 April 19, Dutch Lower House member Luc Stultiens (GroenLinks-PvdA) asked parliamentary questions  about the course of events surrounding an article that Delta took offline in protest. Among other things, Stultiens wants to know whether Outgoing Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf shares the view of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (Dutch Association of Journalists,

The four unions affiliated with TU Delft do not want the Executive Board to take the Education Inspectorate to court. In a statement to its members, the unions write that many TU Delft employees do not support the board’s view.