Heavy DDos attack on TU Delft had minor consequences

Earlier this week, TU Delft suffered a DDos attack. During the night of Monday 27 May to Tuesday 28 May  TU Delft servers were attacked from multiple countries.

The attack continued until Tuesday evening and explicitly targeted TU Delft, writes TU News. In a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, servers of in this case TU Delft are bombarded with such a large amount of requests that they become overloaded. The university characterizes the DDos attack as heavy: normally the servers process 12 million events per half hour, now there were about 2.8 trillion.


Immediately after noticing the attack, which happened ‘in the early morning’, ICT staff took measures to minimize the impact. What these measures were is not clear. According to TU News, thanks to these measures, an exam for 280 students could proceed. TU Delft employees also experienced little disruption when working from campus and logging in from outside.

It is not clear who was or were behind the attack. That is currently being investigated.

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