
Where are the TEDxDelft speakers now… Kas Oosterhuis

What do you find beautiful? In 2011 Kas Oosterhuis, Professor of Architecture here at TU Delft, spoke at TEDxDelft about how a new kind of architecture will be changing how we perceive what is beautiful, and what is not.

We spoke to him to find out aside from his work as a professor and director of Hyperbody, what he has been doing to beautify the world since TEDxDelft.

In this series we will be talking to past TEDxDelft speakers from TU Delft to find out, ‘Where are they now?’ TEDxDelft conferences are held once a year and often feature a number of TU Delft faculty, staff and students. You can watch their TEDxDelft talks on their website.

What is a standout memory from the TEDxDelft event you spoke at?

The high level of professional organisation, preparation and speakers assistance.

What major projects have you completed, since speaking at the conference?

I would say the completion of the LIWA tower in Abu Dhabi, a project which in all aspects represents ‘The New Beauty’ I was speaking about during my TEDxDelft talk.

Has speaking at TEDxDelft in any way benefitted you and your work?

Absolutely, many of my clients and others, over 14.000 viewers, seem to have seen the TEDxDelft video on Youtube.

What are you working on right now?

With respect to presentations like these we have developed the concept of an interactive lectur inviting the public to participate via Twitter and especially via a Hyperbody designed app for selecting images. It is essentially instant content creation which I as the speaker will respond to, therewith building bridges with in my mind as to what is in the mind of the public. As a professional designer I call myself ’the expert formerly known as the architect’ since I am developing more towards becoming a product and process designer, working in multi-disciplinary teams on a level playing field, rather than keeping up the illusion of the so-called puppeteer-architect.

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