
What can you do for a green future?

Green energy and recycling are more important than ever, but what can you personally do for a better climate? During the Day of Sustainability you’ll learn all about it.

Umayer Hussain (l) from GreenTU and Saraf Nawar from the TU Delft Energy Club helped organise the Day of Sustainability. (Photo: Michiel de Haan)

Today ten TU Delft student associations will host the second edition of the Day of Sustainability at X. During this symposium, you’ll learn everything that has to do with sustainability: from green energy and recycling to activism. Saraf Nawar from the TU Delft Energy Club and Umayer Hussain from GreenTU are two of the students who helped organise the event. Delta talked to both of them.

Why is the subject of sustainability important in your opinion?

Nawar: “I am from Bangladesh where resources are limited. A lot of people don’t have electricity at night, while wind and water can be sustainable future energy sources. I want to learn how to use and improve these sources. The Energy Club organises meetings between students and companies in the field of energy. I especially want to reach bachelor students as I am the first and only bachelor student on the board.”

Hussain: “Students also need to be made aware of how they can use more sustainable sources on campus. GreenTU is the student body of TU Delft’s sustainability department. We promote green alternatives on campus and discuss it with TU Delft.”

Do you think TU Delft and its students are sufficiently aware of the importance of sustainability?

Nawar: “I find it hard to judge. TU Delft still sells plastic bags but has a department that focuses on sustainable energy. So, they improve on a big scale but not on a small scale. Many students also don’t realise the importance of sustainability, but I have seen improvements. For example, in some places you get cheaper drinks if you bring your own cup. So, there has been progress but not enough.” 

So why should students come to the Day of Sustainability?

Nawar: “Our theme is Let Action be Your Reaction. There is a lot of talk about sustainability, but most students don’t know what they can do on a personal level. We want to show them.”

Hussain: “We offer  a choice of four lectures about sustainability on a local level. We have speakers from the municipality of Delft, a recycling company and more. After that students can choose one of five workshops where they learn what they can do personally: for example an introduction to activism.”      

Which organisations are involved in the event?

Nawar: “The day is organised by all student associations that work on sustainability. We all used to host our own events on 10 October, the national day of sustainability. Last year we decided to organise one big event where students can meet all the associations.”

Hussain: “As the day was a success, we decided to do it again on a bigger budget. We have several sponsors like Yes! Delft, STUD and Stadium Generale. GreenTU also provides part of the budget.”

  • What: Day of Sustainability
  • When: 9 October 2019 from 12:30 until 19:00
  • Where: X, Mekelweg 8-10 Delft
  • How: sign up using this Google form.   

Michiel de Haan / Freelance redacteur

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