Imagine a week-long chance to get healthy. Discover yoga, zumba, taekwondo, rowing, meditation, reiki and a lot more. Attend free health check-ups right on campus and head off for a hike through the Botanical Garden immediately after.
If you’re a TU Delft employee, you can do all this and more during the Vitality Week. From April 8 to 12, the university will host a range of sessions and workshops focussed on encouraging employees towards healthy living. “The Vitality Week is part of the Vitality Program of the TU Delft. The main reason we chose to organise such as event is that TU Delft aims to have as many healthy employees as possible, especially in terms of sustainable employability. Moreover, the Dutch government wants employees to continue working until they are 67. Therefore, the fitness of our employees is very important,” explains Saskia Timmer, Vitaliteitsprogramma TU Delft.
In 2012, over 400 people registered for Vitality Week. That year health checks were offered in a tent in front of the Aula and they turned out to be so popular that in 2013 two entire days of health check-ups have been organised. Two nurses will be available to check your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and more for those who register for check-ups.
Aside from specialists from outside, several TU employees are also hosting sessions. Faculty member Fred Hobma will conduct a session on Tai Ji and Qi Gong, while Alexander Vollebregt will take a session on Understanding Yourself and Your Surroundings. Other sessions by TU employees include: Healthy and Natural Diet, Meditation and Ayurveda, and Taekwondo among others.
“Most of the sessions by TU employees are being offered for the first time, except the one on Health and Nutrition by Ingrid Kolk. In fact, we were surprised by the number of employee who contacted us about offering a workshop,” says Timmer, adding that given the variety of sessions now offered, there’s something for everyone.
At the moment, the organisers have already received 250 unique registrations and 549 registrations for activities (including the health checks). “We received around 15-20 registrations each day during this week,” says Timmer.
If you’d like to register for Vitality Week, do so soon, because every workshop has a set number of available spots. There’s even a session on Rock and Roll.
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