
Tonight: Party Bollywood style at Culture

Always wanted to know how to dance like in the Indian Bollywood movies? Or want to taste the Indian cuisine? Put on your best clothes and come to the Indian Student Association’s YUVA party tonight.

Learn how to dance Indian style at YUVA. (Photos: Indian Student Association)

The Indian Student Association (ISA) is a student association that helps Indian students, researchers and staff by providing them information about the University and the Netherlands. One of its aims is to enhance integration and promote intercultural exchange through events like the YUVA party tonight. The Indian students are one among the largest international student communities in Delft. ISA’s board has just changed and Mythili EzhilKumar is the new Events Manager.

YUVA Indian dance 2 (Foto via ISA).jpg

“YUVA welcomes new students,” EzhilKumar says. “It’s a good event to showcase Indian culture. YUVA is a word in India that translates as young, energetic and fresh. There are Indian dance performances and music. At night we will dance to the groovy Bollywood DJ and there is a special Indian supper.” The dinner is prepared by Veggiesaurus, a caterer from The Hague that won the Vegan Awards for best caterer in 2016.

Don’t you have an Indian dress? No worries. “There is no dress code tonight,” EzhilKumar says. “Sometimes we wear Indian dress at other parties, but tonight you can just wear whatever you feel like.” The party is at the Sports & Culture, doors open at 19:30, tickets are 6.50 euro and include dinner. For more information, visit the Facebook event. 

Roos van Tongeren / Redacteur

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