
Symposium Images of Diversity in Science

What does gender have to do with science? How will TU Delft become a diverse and inclusive university? What does gender diversity look like? Questions to discuss on today’s annual diversity symposium of Delft Women in Science (DEWIS).

(Foto: OWee)

According to DEWIS, diversity among scientists makes for better education and research. When men and women from a wide range of cultural backgrounds all bring their own perspectives, knowledge and experience. But how does that work in practice? And what problems do we encounter?

During the symposium, Physics Professor Tomas Brage (Lund University) will give a presentation on gender diversity in science. He will tell about the barriers that exist to achieving more diverse teams, and offer ways to overcome them.

Rosemarie Buikema, Professor of Art, Culture and Diversity in Utrecht, will shed light on diversity in science from the perspective of image and perception, clarifying the complex interaction of gender, culture and power.

TU Delft Feminists will introduce themselves and talk about the phenomenon of feminism and the positive power of diversity. In this block, the attendees will search for answers to the question of what female empowerment looks like.

Professor Karel Luyben (Rector Magnificus, TU Delft), will present the DEWIS award to the best female PhD candidate with cum laude honours of the past year, after three nominees have given a short presentation of their research. The Award nominees are: Mladena Luković (Civil Engineering and Geosciences), Dasa Majcen (Architecture) and Anahita Jamshidnejad (Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering).

Symposium Images of Diversity in Science, 4 October 2017, 13:00 to 17:30 hours, Science Centre Delft, Mekelzaal.

You can register for the symposium here:

Eindredacteur Katja Wijnands

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