
Search find like share

Nothing is more telling of a society than its visual representation. Sometimes, the complex web of society, economics and politics is best understood with creative insight.

Exploring the dialogue between image and reality is an exhibition currently on at the TU Delft library. Called “Search Find Like Share – Perspectives in visual storytelling” the exhibition was part of the bi-annual Graphic Design Festival in Breda.

It looks at images used by four categories of people: the journalist, the scientist, the agitator and the poet. From the witty graphic to go with a political story, book feature projects on cities positioning themselves for tourists to posters used by agitators. You get a fascinating insight into how serious issues are dealt with through design.

“Attitudes of image-makers rather than disciplines or media form the core of the exhibition,” notes curator Dennis Elbers in the catalogue handed out at the exhibition. “By visually unravelling the complex structures of our time, designers and photographers create a transparent view of the world,” he adds.

A walk through the exhibition is like flipping through recent headlines. Peter Orntoft explores infographics with a look at the burqa debate. Sandra Kassenaar and Bart de Baets look at the financial crisis from the standpoint of men in power. One interesting depiction is Noortje van Eekelen’s ‘The Spectacle of the Tragedy’. This display has photos of all the heads of states of Europe and their spouses dressed in designer best during the Euro crisis.

Science comes into play in works such as the weather chart by data visualisation company CLEVER°FRANKE. Their graphic analyses the complex weather of the Netherlands using colours and dynamic visual.

“It is especially interesting to see how science and research play out in graphic depiction. This is something that will help students here look at their own work and think in context of design and application,” says Marion Vredeling, programme manager of the TU Delft Library Learning Centre.

The exhibition is open till November 11, 2013

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