Bad dressersA survey on the website has found that students at TU Delft are really bad dressers. Only students from Wageningen University were considered to be worse than those at TU Delft.
900 people – mainly women – took part in the survey. The badly dressed students were said to wear clothes that were too small for them, wear too many layers of clothes and have a poor sense of color combinations, among other style faults.
The UfD-StuD Awards for the best graduates of the eight TU Delft faculties will be presented on Thursday, 23 November 2007. The ceremony will be held in the TU’s Aula Conference Centre starting at 15:30. The eight winners will give a brief presentation before receiving their awards. It will then be revealed which of the eight best faculty graduates is the best overall graduate of the university. The winner will receive an additional award.
@01 kort nieuws kopje:After Katrina
Two years after the disastrous floods in New Orleans in 2005, six Dutch water engineers spent a week in still-recovering New Orleans. The engineers spoke to representatives of US government agencies, advisors and residents about the aftermath of the disaster, the damage of which is estimated at $ 30 billion. HKV Consultants and TU Delft have now published a book about the engineers’ experiences: ‘Katrina Two Years On: The catastrophic floods in New Orleans’.
Complex buildings
Minor changes to the design, design criteria and execution can translate into significant savings when constructing complex buildings, according to Professor Joop Paul, speaking last week during his inaugural address at TU Delft. Buildings with a complex geometry are now increasingly popular, largely due to the digitalization of the design process. Complex design is nowhere near being a common occurrence, though, and many obstacles remain. Construction costs are the greatest obstacle. Paul will hold the position of professor of structural design at the TU’s Faculty of Architecture.
Under construction
Construction work on the Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) square began earlier this month. The square in front of the IDE building’s main entrance is being dug up to lay drains and to reroute and replace cables. The square will also be given a new natural stone paving and a new cycle park. The nature of this work means that the Industrial Design Engineering square and main building entrance is now closed. The temporary entrance is via the emergency entrance at the rear of the building.
The traditional Dutch ‘Sinterklaas’ party for the children of all TU Delft staff will take place on 1 December. The pop group Ch!pz will also be performing. Ch!pz has had regular chart successes in recent years. As always, the children will also get to see Sinterklaas with their own eyes. The Aula Conference Centre will be open from 14:00 on 1 December. The program will begin at 15:00 and end around 16:45.
No access
Access to the TU services network will be severely restricted on December 8 and 9, when a server stop test will be performed. There will then be little or no access to services via the TU Delft network for staff and students. Services such as teleworking and webmail may be similarly affected. You are requested to take the above into account when planning your work. This stop test is a preparatory measure for the data center reorganization planned for February 2008.
Help wanted
Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page, starting this academic year (August/September). We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to D. McMullin at:
Bad dressers
A survey on the website has found that students at TU Delft are really bad dressers. Only students from Wageningen University were considered to be worse than those at TU Delft. 900 people – mainly women – took part in the survey. The badly dressed students were said to wear clothes that were too small for them, wear too many layers of clothes and have a poor sense of color combinations, among other style faults.
The UfD-StuD Awards for the best graduates of the eight TU Delft faculties will be presented on Thursday, 23 November 2007. The ceremony will be held in the TU’s Aula Conference Centre starting at 15:30. The eight winners will give a brief presentation before receiving their awards. It will then be revealed which of the eight best faculty graduates is the best overall graduate of the university. The winner will receive an additional award.
@01 kort nieuws kopje:After Katrina
Two years after the disastrous floods in New Orleans in 2005, six Dutch water engineers spent a week in still-recovering New Orleans. The engineers spoke to representatives of US government agencies, advisors and residents about the aftermath of the disaster, the damage of which is estimated at $ 30 billion. HKV Consultants and TU Delft have now published a book about the engineers’ experiences: ‘Katrina Two Years On: The catastrophic floods in New Orleans’.
Complex buildings
Minor changes to the design, design criteria and execution can translate into significant savings when constructing complex buildings, according to Professor Joop Paul, speaking last week during his inaugural address at TU Delft. Buildings with a complex geometry are now increasingly popular, largely due to the digitalization of the design process. Complex design is nowhere near being a common occurrence, though, and many obstacles remain. Construction costs are the greatest obstacle. Paul will hold the position of professor of structural design at the TU’s Faculty of Architecture.
Under construction
Construction work on the Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) square began earlier this month. The square in front of the IDE building’s main entrance is being dug up to lay drains and to reroute and replace cables. The square will also be given a new natural stone paving and a new cycle park. The nature of this work means that the Industrial Design Engineering square and main building entrance is now closed. The temporary entrance is via the emergency entrance at the rear of the building.
The traditional Dutch ‘Sinterklaas’ party for the children of all TU Delft staff will take place on 1 December. The pop group Ch!pz will also be performing. Ch!pz has had regular chart successes in recent years. As always, the children will also get to see Sinterklaas with their own eyes. The Aula Conference Centre will be open from 14:00 on 1 December. The program will begin at 15:00 and end around 16:45.
No access
Access to the TU services network will be severely restricted on December 8 and 9, when a server stop test will be performed. There will then be little or no access to services via the TU Delft network for staff and students. Services such as teleworking and webmail may be similarly affected. You are requested to take the above into account when planning your work. This stop test is a preparatory measure for the data center reorganization planned for February 2008.
Help wanted
Part-time jobs available writing for Delta’s English Page, starting this academic year (August/September). We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to D. McMullin at:

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