
Joint activities for international and Dutch students

Attending university in a new city or country is a wonderful opportunity. Yet it can be daunting. This is why TU Delft encourages all new students to come to the Introduction Programme (IP) and get a feel for the university, Delft, the staff and their fellow students.

Internationale studenten die in 2016 begonnen aan de TU. (Foto: TU Delft)

In recent years, TU Delft’s student body has steadily changed. From primarily Dutch students with a few hundred international students in its master programmes, this year it will welcome 2,400 international students. As more study programmes are being offered in English, this number is set to increase further, with international students joining bachelor programmes and exchanges too. Eventually, half the students at TU Delft will be international.

More joint activities

The IP is reflecting this change. Previously, its activities were specifically geared to the needs of Dutch students and international students separately. The disadvantage of this was that the two groups met for the first time on their courses and the two groups tended to mix amongst themselves (see the article ‘Separate Worlds’ and the interview with the board of Delft International Students Society, DISS). This year, some of the activities will be specific to each group while there will be more joint activities. The OWee will concentrate on helping Dutch bachelor students with housing and getting to know the university and the town of Delft.

Student surveys show that both international and Dutch students want to meet each other

While the Central International Office (CIO) does these too, it works for international bachelor, master and exchange students, and has the added task of supporting them with practicalities such as visas, transport, insurance, registration and banking. And that’s where the difference ends. The rest of the IP brings both groups together to socialise and interact. Student surveys show that both international and Dutch students want to meet each other and, in the case of international students, want to experience Dutch culture.

Monday evening party time

This is the second time that the IP will run joint activities by the OWee and the CIO. The lessons learned from this year will be taken forward to next year’s IP so that it will improve each year. So come to the IP’s Basecamp to meet other students and join in the activities together. Monday evening is party time at the Aula and Delta will be there too to see how everyone is settling in. The IP is fun, useful and a great place to start enjoying student life and make friends. Starting university is a new experience for everyone, whether you are on exchange or doing a full degree, or whether you come from down the road or the other end of the world.

For activities, see the Introduction programme

Joanna Bouma / International editor

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