For a long time boxing was considered to be a men’s sport only. But time passes, social norms change and Hemingway’s favorite macho sport is now just as much for women as it is for men.
Apparently Clint Eastwood’s movie ‘Million dollar baby’ increased women’s interest in boxing in the Netherlands and now a lot of women I know regularly go to boxing training. Why? They tell me that unlike the men’s boxing, boxing training for women isn’t about bashing your opponents face in. Rather, the women just consider boxing a great way to have a good and fun aerobic style workout.
(Photo/Caption: Pavel Prokopchik, BSc, Russia)
For a long time boxing was considered to be a men’s sport only. But time passes, social norms change and Hemingway’s favorite macho sport is now just as much for women as it is for men. Apparently Clint Eastwood’s movie ‘Million dollar baby’ increased women’s interest in boxing in the Netherlands and now a lot of women I know regularly go to boxing training. Why? They tell me that unlike the men’s boxing, boxing training for women isn’t about bashing your opponents face in. Rather, the women just consider boxing a great way to have a good and fun aerobic style workout.
(Photo/Caption: Pavel Prokopchik, BSc, Russia)

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