
Chicken sate

As an international student in the Netherlands, you might have noticed that there isn’t that much of a national cuisine around these parts. The secret is, we don’t really have one! Yes, we do have some nice products like bitterballen and stroopwafels, but complete dishes? Not so much.

The Netherlands has been part of the Holy Roman Empire, the French Empire, the Spanish Empire and so on.

We have taken our recipes from many places and so our cuisine is a mix of all of them. One of the recipes adopted by the Dutch is none other than the humble saté.

Chicken saté with peanut sauce
Ingredients: chicken thigh, deboned (150 grams per person), ketjap manis*, garlic , onion, red pepper, sambal oelek*, ginger syrup , sunflower oil, lemon, crunchy peanut butter, salt and pepper, *Asian sauces available in most grocery stores
Material: big bowl, saté sticks, grill pan, sauce pan

The recipe is quite straight forward. Start by soaking the saté sticks in some water. This will keep them from burning. Cut the chicken thighs into chunks of about 2 to 3 cm. For the marinade, in a bowl, mix the ketjap, crushed garlic, roughly chopped onion, the zest of the lemon and the juice of half a lemon, a chopped red pepper, a splash of oil and some of the ginger syrup. Put the chicken in the marinade, cover it and leave for at least 2 to 3 hours to infuse. In a saucepan, combine a couple of spoons of peanut butter, a spoon of sambal, some ginger syrup, crushed garlic and some water to make it a sauce and heat until mixed and smooth. Add salt, pepper and sambal to taste. Put the chicken on a stick and grill until cooked over a medium heated pan. Don’t be afraid of a bit of a char, its normal! Serve with a big bowl of basmati rice and some piccalilli!

Keep cooking,

Job Hogewoning

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