
After our relaxing weekend at Isla Grande, where it almost felt like we were on vacation, we started our second week with an early meeting with our supervisor Dalia Moreno to discuss the progress we made in our first week.

If we have learned anything from our first week in Barra da Lagoa it is that: “tranquilo ”, which translates to “relax and take it easy”. Brazilian people tend to have a look at things a bit more relaxed than us Dutch people. 

Op Sail, het grootste publieksevenement van Nederland, kwamen dit jaar 2,3 miljoen mensen af. Voor het eerst werd realtime in kaart gebracht waar al deze bezoekers rondliepen.

The first weekend gave us an easy start. Especially with the additional holiday on Monday we had a lot of time to wander around the city. On Tuesday, however, our life changed drastically.

Gringo, it appears our name has preceded us. We have heard it several times in only a couple of days. Maybe our Brazilian friends are also reading our blog, or maybe we are just too obvious at being a white tourist. Even in Rio de Janeiro we definitely stand out with our blond hair and blue eyes.

After having goodbye beers with our friends it was time to pack. Bets were made about who would have the biggest bag. Karel won, with a stunning 21 kg.

Beep beep, beep beep. The sound that has predominantly filled our last days in the Netherlands. With our arms still sore from the vaccinations we’re testing our newly acquired drone.