Ontwerp een gebouw voor de havenautoriteiten en het loodswezen bij de sluizen in het door wind en weer geteisterde kustgebied bij IJmuiden, was de opdracht van het ontwerpproject BK2000, ‘Gebouw en Constructie’.
De beste plannen van studenten bouwkunde worden tot Pasen (22 april) tentoongesteld in de gangen van de Oost-vleugel van de faculteit Bouwkunde.
Ana Bucur, 22, Romania, computer science and track information architecture (faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science)
“For me being online means an easy way to access information. I usually spend three hours a day on internet. The first thing I do when I go online is listen to music, and then do my regular assignments, like research for assessing scientific papers or participating in virtual workshops for various projects. I also keep an online eye on the current job market evolution and regional economic development. Being online isn’t a big part of my personal life, though, as I prefer one-to-one interaction with friends, but it is a big part of my professional life. My whole professional life is based on online activities, which involves regularly browsing Google Scholar in search of scientific papers related to my studies. Other online activities include listening to music. Some of my favourite songs are by Romanian singers, like Edward Maya, Inna, Jay Ko and Anya which I listen to via YouTube. I use the BBC and Al Jazeera to keep myself updated about the latest news. Family Guy is the one TV show I watch regularly online for entertainment. Beyond that, there was one incident which happened to me online that was kind of funny: I met some people online who wanted to sell me a kitten, as I was looking for one, but it turned out they were using the privacy of internet to create a fake pet delivery agency that asked for money in a bank account in order to send you a pet that didn’t exist. In the end I searched online about the agency and found out it was a fraud.”

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