
Avocations: Dr. Eduardo Mendes

Early on Dr. Eduardo Mendes thought he wanted to be an architect. But he ended up choosing to study physics because of what he calls its hidden beauty.

Originally from Brazil, the associate professor studied quantum optics before moving to France to pursue his PhD. “I was doing hard core theory,” explained Mendes. “Then I saw a picture of a laser beam cutting through gel and I was fascinated.”As part of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at TU Delft since 2003, Mendes’ research now focuses on Functional Soft Matter. Clearly passionate about what he does, Mendes wants to make a difference. He tries to use his knowledge in soft matter for health-related products. “I feel rewarded as a person when I discuss something with a doctor that treats real patients,” he said. “It feels like I am fulfilling a social mission.”

But there is another passion that Mendes pursues outside of science. “Art has always been there for me,” he said. As a child he made sculptures out of soap and felt the need to create art. He even bought painting materials at many points of his life, but never did anything with them. That is until he was inspired to explore his artistic ability in 2006 while attending a TU Delft course at the Culture Centre.

Mendes’ self-taught talent is expressed through paintings created with latex, acrylic, chalk and collage. He explained that when he starts a painting he doesn’t know what it will be named. Although his works are somewhat abstract, he likes order and what he describes as controlled spontaneity. He seeks to find a layer between the conscious and unconscious.

“I don’t paint to feel good,” Mendes said. “I paint when I feel good.” He explained that painting doesn’t happen when he is stressed by work and he has to be in the right state of mind. And he believes that everyone has their own creative algorithm. “For me, painting is not a hobby or a sport,” he said,”it’s something I need to do.”

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