Falling snow causes problems at Stieltjesweg At the residential tower on Stieltjesweg, falling ice has been causing problems since Wednesday afternoon. The culprit is the thawing of a thick snow layer that accumulates in the windowsills, causing pieces of frozen snow to fall down with some regularity. After consultation with TU Delft…
TU students build circular observation tower in New Delft A exceptional object is emerging on the Westlandseweg in Delft: a temporary, circular observation tower. The tower, made almost entirely of wood, has been designed by TU Delft students Edmund Thomas Green and Ludvig Sundberg (Architecture and the Built Environment). They won a design…
TU Delft students who have a disability have united in the Student Onbeperkt platform. What do they want?
First year TU Delft bachelor students’ binding recommendation on the continuation of studies will be relaxed. The standard will be lowered by six points this academic year.
Andy van den Dobbelsteen new Sustainability Coordinator The Executive Board has appointed Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen as Sustainability Coordinator at TU Delft as of 1 January 2021. The term of the appointment will initially be four years. Van den Dobbelsteen will fill the position two days a week, succeeding Sustainable Business…
Voor veel jongeren is de politiek een ver-van-hun-bed-show, redeneerden masterstudenten Isa de Beer (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) en Iris Zoet (Tilburg University). In aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen lanceerden de twee daarom de podcast KiesAdvies. In een serie afleveringen bevragen ze vertegenwoordigers van politieke jongerenpartijen over onderwerpen als alcohol, woningnood of institutioneel racisme. “We willen studenten laagdrempelig…
Participants Ultramarathon donate $6692 to WAAW Foundation After two months of walking, running and cycling, the participants of the MSE Ultramarathon reached the finish line on Monday 4 January. During the Ultramarathon, 77 employees and students from the Department of Material Science and Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering) travelled…
The pandemic is forcing many international students to celebrate Christmas in Delft this year. Sometimes alone. “The outbreak of the coronavirus has put a stop to everything.”
Vaccination certificate as a reward There is support among the Dutch for the introduction of a vaccination certificate that gives more freedom to people who take the vaccine in case of an outbreak. This appears from research conducted by scientists from TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, RIVM, Maastricht University and Roskilde University. …
Is your light on yet? This year, the Christmas period will be unlike previous years for many students. While some will visit friends or family, other students will spend the holidays alone. For example, because traveling to their home country is currently not possible. “This pandemic is making many…