
Marjolein van der Veldt


High number of ‘no-shows’ at TU Delft Library   The TU Delft Library is fed up with the high number of ‘no-shows’; students who reserve a place to study, but then do not turn up.   The Library has 220 study places available daily, all of which are reserved. According…

#Vegaterror: pig farmers angry at TU Delft   The news that the cafeteria at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is switching to a full vegetarian menu is not to everyone’s liking. De Telegraaf and AD newspapers called it a punishment, the tweet of Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen was repeatedly subject to the…

Architecture goes vegetarian   All canteens at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are switching to a fully vegetarian menu. Het Ketelhuis kicked off on 3 May and immediately had a scoop: it is the first Dutch university cafetaria that no longer sells meat.   The vegetarian…