
Marjolein van der Veldt


Architecture goes vegetarian   All canteens at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are switching to a fully vegetarian menu. Het Ketelhuis kicked off on 3 May and immediately had a scoop: it is the first Dutch university cafetaria that no longer sells meat.   The vegetarian…

Delft wants more educational talent   To make more people enthusiastic about teaching science and technology subjects, the municipality of Delft and TU Delft have signed a collaboration agreement. In the plan, both parties aim to attract and retain potential teaching talent. This is necessary because there is a shortage of…

De toekomst, drugs, studentenverenigingen en corona. In het derde seizoen van Studententijd de podcast bespreken presentatoren David (22, Universiteit van Amsterdam), Dieneke (21, Universiteit Utrecht) en Steie (22, Hogeschool Utrecht) iedere twee weken belangrijke studentenonderwerpen. “Ik heb het echt gemist om met twee vrienden om tafel te zitten en goede verhalen te delen”, aldus…

Fire in boiler room TU Delft Library   A fire broke out in the TU Delft Library on Sunday morning, 11 April. It started in one of the technical rooms – a boiler – on the fourth floor.  When the incident occurred, about 200 students and employees were present. They were evacuated and were…

Women in Career event   Compared to their male colleagues, twice as many female young professionals are unhappy in their current job. This is the conclusion of research by   To help young women, employed or jobless, in their career, the job site therefore organises the online Women in Career event…

Production of Nuna11 underway   In Zwolle, the Vattenfall Solar Team has started the production of its newest solar car: Nuna11. Mayor Peter Snijders opened the production hall on Friday 19 March and gave the official start signal for construction.The new solar car should be ready by the end of May.   …

Water-walking tour through Delft   What is happening in Delft in terms of water development? Discover it at World Water Day during the Water-walking tour.  The tour through Delft’s city centre, focusses on global and local water issues. For example, what is Delft’s contribution to the United Nations’ sustainability targets and what are Hoogheemraadschap…

Queue for TU Aula polling station   During the elections to the House of Representatives, voting can take place at around forty locations in Delft. Special locations include the Oude Kerk and the Nieuwe Kerk. According to Twitter users, the latter is particularly popular, with long queues forming on a regular basis. Voters…