
Annebelle de Bruijn


Dutch only Op dinsdag 13 december houdt de TU Delft een hybride symposium over Kennisveiligheid. “Daar willen we wetenschappers van de TU bijpraten over wat we doen op het gebied van kennisveiligheid en hoe zij daar zelf mee aan de slag kunnen”, vertelt TU-programmadirecteur kennisveiligheid Peter Weijland. Wetenschappers kunnen zowel digitaal als fysiek deelnemen. …

Majority for three-year higher basic grant     A majority in the Dutch House of Representatives wants the temporary increase in the basic grant for students living away from home to apply not for one but three academic years. They support a proposal by the Dutch political parties D66, CDA and ChristenUnie to this effect.…

Forty European starting grants to the Netherlands     The European Research Council ERC has awarded grants averaging €1.5 million euros to 408 younger scientists. Four of them work at TU Delft.   The starting grants are for scientists who obtained their PhD two to seven years ago. Almost three thousand applications were submitted for…