
Annebelle de Bruijn


New board members for PNN      Anneke Kastelein (LUMC) is new chair of the Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN), the interest group for and by PhD students. She succeeds Meaghan Polack, who is leaving the PNN board after two years.   PNN has also recruited four other new board members for the coming term. Marije…

Dutch only  Een petitie tegen rente op studieschulden is in een paar weken tijd meer dan 100 duizend keer ondertekend. De handtekeningenactie is gestart door studentenorganisaties LSVb en FNV Young & United. De rente die (oud)studenten bovenop hun studieschuld betalen, staat al jarenlang op 0 procent, maar minister Dijkgraaf (OCW) stelde in juni…

Protest against gas extraction Wadden Sea     Scientists from Scientist Rebellion will protest against gas drilling under the Wadden Sea in The Hague on Wednesday 28 September. The government will soon decide on a new permit for gas drilling under the Wadden Sea.   University of Twente assistant professor Guus Dix is one of…

Total student debt 25.7 billion euro       In seven years time, the total study debt in the Netherlands has doubled to 25.7 billion euros. Among young people, study debts of EUR 20.000 are now normal, new figures from CBS show. As of September 2015, the basic grant was abolished for new students in…

New Head of Academic Heritage     Museum director Charlotte Rixten (29) will become the new Head of Academic Heritage at TU Delft on 1 November, writes newspaper De Gelderlander (link in Dutch). Rixten is currently Director of Museum Villa Mondriaan in Winterswijk, where she joined the company in 2019. She thus became – like…