Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in Humans of TU Delft. Julia Ravensbergen explores the potential of bio-based materials for house renovation.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in this series. This time Professor Mauro Overend who wants to find ways to reuse recycled flat glass.
Leden van DWH/Outsite schrokken van de verbrande vlag vorige maand. Toch voelt Delft progressiever dan andere steden, zegt één van de leden die Delta sprak.
Residents of the Stieltjesweg housing complex are receiving letters from hopefuls asking current residents to pass their lease onto them in exchange for cash. DUWO is shocked.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in Humans of TU Delft. This time: Luis Cutz tells us how waste is accelerating the green energy transition.
In communicatie over milieubeleid tussen wetenschappers, beleidsmakers en burgers kan veel verbeteren, zegt promovendus Lieke Brackel. Zij deed een felbegeerde EU-traineeship.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in this series. This time Ahmed Emin Batman, who is making a documentary about earthquake survivors in Turkey.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in Humans of TU Delft. This time: Brechtje Krijvenaar plans the Ringvaart Regatta, a 100-kilometre rowing event.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in Humans of TU Delft. This time: Ingrid Klok about the 25th anniversary of the TU Delft Library.
Studievereniging U-Base (voor masterstudenten construction materials and structural engineering van de faculteit CiTG) organiseert in het weekend van 12 tot 14 mei de BetonKanoRace, met de daadwerkelijke races op 13 mei in de Delftse Hout. Het evenement is voor iedereen toegankelijk, maar er is beperkte capaciteit, meldt de organisatie. Aan de race doen studenten civiele…