A robot that you can push around and won’t fall over. This is what Dr Tomas de Boer developed for his thesis, ‘Foot placement in robotic bipedal locomotion’, which he defended this week.
She walked very smoothly, especially for a robot. Flame, which was developed several years ago at the 3mE faculty, was a hit in robotics. But when you gave her a little push, she would drop to the ground instantly. She now shares the robotics laboratory with an (in many ways) improved version of herself, Tulip, an android that can be pushed around but won’t fall over.
Mechanical engineer, Dr Tomas de Boer, developed Tulip during his PhD research. He first had a good look at how we humans keep our equilibrium, and to explain what our most important trick is, a trick which he copied in Tulip, he takes hold of a broom stick and starts balancing it upside down on his fingertip.
“Bipedal locomotion is in essence about the ability to maintain control over the position and velocity of the body’s center of mass,” De Boer explains. “When slightly perturbed, balance is quickly lost and a step must be taken to prevent a fall.” With the broom stick, one must move ones finger to continuously keep it right under the body’s center of mass.
A simple model, which De Boer call’s the broom model, and a bunch of springs in the joints of the robot, that measure all the forces at play, allow Tulip to calculate where it should put its next step and how much force it should exert on each foot in order to remain balanced.
De Boer believes balanced bipedal robots have a bright future. “They’re much more practical than robots on wheels, which can only be used on flat terrains. One can imagine bipedal robots being used as aids during rescue missions in the future, or as butlers.” As a matter of fact the researcher is now working for a company called Pal Robotics, based in Spain, which develops robotics butlers.
But some hurdles still need to be cleared, De Boer says: “It’s is still very difficult to make robots that are at the same time light, powerful and energy efficient. We buy a lot of parts from the automotive industry. There’s no real robot industry yet, but it’s coming.”
Watch Tulip as she prepares for Robocup 2011 in Istanbul.
Tomas de Boer, ‘Foot placement in robotic bipedal locomotion’, 13 March, PhD supervisor Prof. Frans van der Helm.
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