In Delft, history hides in plain sight. If you don’t believe us, next time you come across a curious looking cuboid sign somewhere in town, take the time to step up to it and read.
These cubes, scattered all around the city center are part of a special Vermeer trail and interactive city map created by Delft Marketing.
The map costs €2.50 and can be bought at the tourist information point or the Vermeer Centrum. As the trail acquaints us with the life of the 16th century Dutch master, we are given nuggets of information about life back in the day.
“I would recommend it to international and national students. It will take you to places that played an important part in Vermeer’s life,” said Ellen Hoogendam, Marketing and Communication manager at the Vermeer Centrum.
You can see the spot where Vermeer was born in 1632 and the various homes where he lived and worked. The cube outside the New Church says that one of those was a large house on the Oude Langendijk where he and his wife for around fifteen years and that the house belonged to his wealthy mother-in-law. The couple reportedly had 15 children. The same cube also says that the exact location of Vermeer’s studio is unknown even today.
Most cubes also have interesting factoids, for instance you might learn why the Beestenmarkt got its name or how paintings within Vermeer’s paintings have a special significance. The map can also be bought as part of a combination ticket for the Vermeer Centrum, Museum Prinsenhof, the New Church and the Old Church (€21).

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