‘Antiques’ Market’Plein, The Haguewww.denhaag.comAntiques, old books and other curiosa.
Jan. 25, 10:00-18:00.
‘Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms’
Filmhuis, The Hague
Documentary on illegal weapons trade. Jan. 28, 17:00, 7.50 euro
‘Dr. Strangelove’
Theater Camuz, The Hague
Cinematic satire by Stanley Kubrick with Peter Sellars and George C. Scott. Jan. 26, 20:30, 6 euro.
‘Trio Burlesco’
Gunst, wat ‘n Kunst, The Hague
Concert with works of Beethoven and Zemlinsky. Jan. 25, 11:30, 12 euro.
‘Lunch Concert’
Christus Triumfaorkerk, The Hague
Classic concert by The Royal Conservatory. Jan. 25, 12:30, free.
‘World Music’
Theater de Tobbe, Voorburg
Concert by Except-2 from the US. Jan. 26, 20:30, 13 euro.
Regentenkamer, The Hague
Concert by Dirk Balthuis, Natalio Sued, Cord Heineking and Sebastiaan Kaptein. Jan. 27, 18:00, free.
‘From Russia with Love’
Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
Concert with Kaia Urb, Maria Gortzevskaya and Sergey Drobyshevsky. Jan. 27, 20:15, 23 euro.
‘Johan + Support’
Paard van Troje, The Hague
A Dutch band with an international appeal. Jan. 27, 20:30, 12.50 euro.
‘A Tempest’
Theater Zwembad de Regentes, The Hague
Opera by Purcell with Baroque Opera Amsterdam. Jan. 27, 20:30, 21 euro.
‘Jazz Concert’
Theater in de Steeg, The Hague
By Rita Reys and the Peter Beets Trio. Jan. 27, 20:30, 15 euro.
‘Sunday Jazz’
Herberg Vlietzigt, Rijswijk
B3 Hammond Quartet jazzes up your Sunday. Jan. 28, 15:00, free.
‘Sunday Grooves’
Fiddler, The Hague
Live jazz, great line up. Jan. 27, 15:30-18:00, free.
‘Here We Live and Now’
Korzo Theater, The Hague
Dance by ResiDance The Hague. Jan. 25, 19:30, 13 euro.
Theater de Veste, Delft
Dance by The International Dance Theater. Jan. 28, 20:15, 19.50 euro.
Disco and Parties
‘Tango Cafe’
‘t Syndicaat, The Hague
Latin dance with DJ Ronaldo. Jan. 26, 21:00, free.
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
Break beat, dance, rock, funk and pop with DJ Whisk-E. Jan. 26, 22:30, free.
‘Ronduit Spectaculair’
Omniversum, The Hague
Simply spectacular: amazing movies about South-Africa on a gigantic screen. Times vary, 9 euro.
‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’
Museon, The Hague
The best pictures of the world. Through March 04, Sunday 14:00, 11.50 euro, including tea and coffee.
Museum of Photography, The Hague
The complex and mysterious worlds of suburban America by Gregory Crewdson. Through Feb. 25, Tue.-Sun., 12:00-18:00, 5 euro.
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
@01 url:www.gemeentemuseum.nl
Art, fashion, design, film and photography. A unique portrait of one of the most turbulent decades of the 20th century. Through April 29, Tue.-Sun. 11:00-17:00, 8/5 euro.
‘Matt Jacobs Blues Group’
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
@01 url:www.lokaalvredebreuk.nl
Live jazz music. Jan. 25, 21:00, free.
Café de Paap, The Hague
@01 url:www.depaap.nl
Live music. Jan. 26, 22:00, free.
Theater and Shows
‘Treasure Island’
Theater aan het Spui, The Hague
@01 url:www.theateraanhetspui.nl
Avast there maties, shiver me timbers and shake a peg leg. By AATG. Jan. 26, 27, 19:30; Jan. 28, 13:30, 15 euro.
‘British Night’
Theater Diligentia, The Hague
@01 url:www.theater-diligentia.nl
Stand-up comedy. Jan. 27, 20:15, 18 euro.
For a complete listing of this week’s Study Breaks, go to: www.delta.tudelft.nl
‘Antiques’ Market’
Plein, The Hague
Antiques, old books and other curiosa. Jan. 25, 10:00-18:00.
‘Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms’
Filmhuis, The Hague
Documentary on illegal weapons trade. Jan. 28, 17:00, 7.50 euro
‘Dr. Strangelove’
Theater Camuz, The Hague
Cinematic satire by Stanley Kubrick with Peter Sellars and George C. Scott. Jan. 26, 20:30, 6 euro.
‘Trio Burlesco’
Gunst, wat ‘n Kunst, The Hague
Concert with works of Beethoven and Zemlinsky. Jan. 25, 11:30, 12 euro.
‘Lunch Concert’
Christus Triumfaorkerk, The Hague
Classic concert by The Royal Conservatory. Jan. 25, 12:30, free.
‘World Music’
Theater de Tobbe, Voorburg
Concert by Except-2 from the US. Jan. 26, 20:30, 13 euro.
Regentenkamer, The Hague
Concert by Dirk Balthuis, Natalio Sued, Cord Heineking and Sebastiaan Kaptein. Jan. 27, 18:00, free.
‘From Russia with Love’
Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
Concert with Kaia Urb, Maria Gortzevskaya and Sergey Drobyshevsky. Jan. 27, 20:15, 23 euro.
‘Johan + Support’
Paard van Troje, The Hague
A Dutch band with an international appeal. Jan. 27, 20:30, 12.50 euro.
‘A Tempest’
Theater Zwembad de Regentes, The Hague
Opera by Purcell with Baroque Opera Amsterdam. Jan. 27, 20:30, 21 euro.
‘Jazz Concert’
Theater in de Steeg, The Hague
By Rita Reys and the Peter Beets Trio. Jan. 27, 20:30, 15 euro.
‘Sunday Jazz’
Herberg Vlietzigt, Rijswijk
B3 Hammond Quartet jazzes up your Sunday. Jan. 28, 15:00, free.
‘Sunday Grooves’
Fiddler, The Hague
Live jazz, great line up. Jan. 27, 15:30-18:00, free.
‘Here We Live and Now’
Korzo Theater, The Hague
Dance by ResiDance The Hague. Jan. 25, 19:30, 13 euro.
Theater de Veste, Delft
Dance by The International Dance Theater. Jan. 28, 20:15, 19.50 euro.
Disco and Parties
‘Tango Cafe’
‘t Syndicaat, The Hague
Latin dance with DJ Ronaldo. Jan. 26, 21:00, free.
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
Break beat, dance, rock, funk and pop with DJ Whisk-E. Jan. 26, 22:30, free.
‘Ronduit Spectaculair’
Omniversum, The Hague
Simply spectacular: amazing movies about South-Africa on a gigantic screen. Times vary, 9 euro.
‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’
Museon, The Hague
The best pictures of the world. Through March 04, Sunday 14:00, 11.50 euro, including tea and coffee.
Museum of Photography, The Hague
The complex and mysterious worlds of suburban America by Gregory Crewdson. Through Feb. 25, Tue.-Sun., 12:00-18:00, 5 euro.
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
@01 url:www.gemeentemuseum.nl
Art, fashion, design, film and photography. A unique portrait of one of the most turbulent decades of the 20th century. Through April 29, Tue.-Sun. 11:00-17:00, 8/5 euro.
‘Matt Jacobs Blues Group’
Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
@01 url:www.lokaalvredebreuk.nl
Live jazz music. Jan. 25, 21:00, free.
Café de Paap, The Hague
@01 url:www.depaap.nl
Live music. Jan. 26, 22:00, free.
Theater and Shows
‘Treasure Island’
Theater aan het Spui, The Hague
@01 url:www.theateraanhetspui.nl
Avast there maties, shiver me timbers and shake a peg leg. By AATG. Jan. 26, 27, 19:30; Jan. 28, 13:30, 15 euro.
‘British Night’
Theater Diligentia, The Hague
@01 url:www.theater-diligentia.nl
Stand-up comedy. Jan. 27, 20:15, 18 euro.
For a complete listing of this week’s Study Breaks, go to: www.delta.tudelft.nl

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