It’s that time of year again, when Sint-Nicolaas and his Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) comes to town to help the Dutch celebrate Sinterklaas, a festivity dating back to the Middle Ages.
Originally, the Sinterklaas feast celebrates the name day (6 December) of Saint Nicholas (280–342), patron saint of children. On 3 December, Prometheus will host TU Delft’s ’Big Sinterklaas Party’ at the Aula, starting at 13:00. This year there will be live music, games, a Professor Piet, dancing Piets, musical Piets and two mischievous Piets named Antonio and Juanito. Tickets cost 6.00 euros per person and can be purchased at Prometheus office in the Aula. On 26 November, between 12:30-15:30, join hundreds of happy little Dutch kids at the Delft’s Markt for the city’s annual Sinterklaas party.
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