

Fire IA fire broke out at TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture on Tuesday morning, May 13. The fire, which was first reported at 9:00 in the morning, quickly spread, and the faculty building was subsequently evacuated.

No one was reported injured in the blaze. The approximately 300 faculty staff and students present in the building at the time were evacuated to the Aula. At night, the fire was still not under control. Due to the excessive smoke, people living in the vicinity of the campus, as well as TU Delft staff and students, were advised to remain indoors and keep all doors and windows closed. The TU Delft campus and area around the faculty building were cordoned off. The fire started on the 6th floor of the faculty building, in the vicinity of a coffee corner. The fire proved extremely hard to extinguish. Fire brigades from surrounding areas were called in to assist. The fire brigade stated that no dangerous concentrations of harmful particles had been found in the air.
Fire II

A fire technical investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the fire at the Faculty of Architecture. The devastating fire destroyed much research and educational works, as well historic collections. The university has confirmed however that all computer files that were centrally stored have been saved. TU Delft is surveying the options for continuing the last three weeks of the current academic year and the start of the new year in September. Help and support have already been offered by various education institutions in the area. A solution will also be found for researchers and other members of staff. Students and staff members of the Faculty of Architecture were invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, 14 May in the Aula, where further information was given concerning the fire and the options for emergency accommodation. From last Wednesday onwards, an information desk will be open from 9:00 to 17:00 in the Aula entrance hall (ITU-desk), where students and staff members can obtain information. There will also be specialists available to help to answer questions and solve problems.

TU Delft’s student satellite, the Delfi-C3, was successfully launched in India on April 28. At 5:53 Dutch time, the Delft ‘nanosatellite was launched into space by a PSL V-rocket. Three hours later an amateur radio operator in California received the first signal from the Dutch satellite. Ir. Josst Elstak received confirmation over the telephone that the signal from the Delfi-C3 was received. It was a huge relief for the team of around 30 TU Delft students involved in the project. A new satellite project, Delfi-Next, is now in the planning stages.
Foldable container

The start-up company, Holland Container Innovations (HCI), has developed a foldable container for sea transport. HCI has worked closely with TU Delft’s Faculty of 3mE. 3mE dean Prof. Marco Waas (3mE) and HCI’s Gunawan Kusuma have recently signed a research and development contract at Yes!Delft. Six TU Delft researchers will be involved in the project. The project is being co-financed by the harbor innovation center ACTP, by TU Delft and by HCI. A prototype of the container is expected by the end of this year.

Heerema Battle

Poppo Hofsteenge and Erik Gathier, Civil Engineering students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences won first prize in the Heerema competition on the Battle of Concepts website. The Heerema jury agreed that Hofsteenge and Gathier produced the best innovative idea for solving the problem: ‘How can we use the Arctic environment to our benefit in all areas of onshore and offshore construction for the Oil & Gas industry?’. Hofsteenge and Gathier won a total of 1,500 euros and moved to 33rd and 34th place in the National Battle Rankings. Their win took TU Delft to number 1 in the rankings for Universities and Institutes of Higher Education. Battle of Concepts is an online platform where organizations can post problems to be solved by higher professional education students, university students and young professionals under the age of 30. The platform offers organizations the opportunity to generate external innovative ideas and to discover fresh young talent.


Fire I

A fire broke out at TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture on Tuesday morning, May 13. The fire, which was first reported at 9:00 in the morning, quickly spread, and the faculty building was subsequently evacuated. No one was reported injured in the blaze. The approximately 300 faculty staff and students present in the building at the time were evacuated to the Aula. At night, the fire was still not under control. Due to the excessive smoke, people living in the vicinity of the campus, as well as TU Delft staff and students, were advised to remain indoors and keep all doors and windows closed. The TU Delft campus and area around the faculty building were cordoned off. The fire started on the 6th floor of the faculty building, in the vicinity of a coffee corner. The fire proved extremely hard to extinguish. Fire brigades from surrounding areas were called in to assist. The fire brigade stated that no dangerous concentrations of harmful particles had been found in the air.
Fire II

A fire technical investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the fire at the Faculty of Architecture. The devastating fire destroyed much research and educational works, as well historic collections. The university has confirmed however that all computer files that were centrally stored have been saved. TU Delft is surveying the options for continuing the last three weeks of the current academic year and the start of the new year in September. Help and support have already been offered by various education institutions in the area. A solution will also be found for researchers and other members of staff. Students and staff members of the Faculty of Architecture were invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, 14 May in the Aula, where further information was given concerning the fire and the options for emergency accommodation. From last Wednesday onwards, an information desk will be open from 9:00 to 17:00 in the Aula entrance hall (ITU-desk), where students and staff members can obtain information. There will also be specialists available to help to answer questions and solve problems.

TU Delft’s student satellite, the Delfi-C3, was successfully launched in India on April 28. At 5:53 Dutch time, the Delft ‘nanosatellite was launched into space by a PSL V-rocket. Three hours later an amateur radio operator in California received the first signal from the Dutch satellite. Ir. Josst Elstak received confirmation over the telephone that the signal from the Delfi-C3 was received. It was a huge relief for the team of around 30 TU Delft students involved in the project. A new satellite project, Delfi-Next, is now in the planning stages.
Foldable container

The start-up company, Holland Container Innovations (HCI), has developed a foldable container for sea transport. HCI has worked closely with TU Delft’s Faculty of 3mE. 3mE dean Prof. Marco Waas (3mE) and HCI’s Gunawan Kusuma have recently signed a research and development contract at Yes!Delft. Six TU Delft researchers will be involved in the project. The project is being co-financed by the harbor innovation center ACTP, by TU Delft and by HCI. A prototype of the container is expected by the end of this year.

Heerema Battle

Poppo Hofsteenge and Erik Gathier, Civil Engineering students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences won first prize in the Heerema competition on the Battle of Concepts website. The Heerema jury agreed that Hofsteenge and Gathier produced the best innovative idea for solving the problem: ‘How can we use the Arctic environment to our benefit in all areas of onshore and offshore construction for the Oil & Gas industry?’. Hofsteenge and Gathier won a total of 1,500 euros and moved to 33rd and 34th place in the National Battle Rankings. Their win took TU Delft to number 1 in the rankings for Universities and Institutes of Higher Education. Battle of Concepts is an online platform where organizations can post problems to be solved by higher professional education students, university students and young professionals under the age of 30. The platform offers organizations the opportunity to generate external innovative ideas and to discover fresh young talent.


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