
News in Brief – Delta 27

NightwalkA charity walk will be held at midnight on Saturday, 25 September, to raise money to help victims of sexual violence in the DR Congo.

The ‘Nightwalk’ covers 40 kilometres. Some one-thousand people are expected to walk from Rotterdam’s Erasmus Bridge to Den Haag, where a warm welcome awaits them on Sunday morning. Famous musicians and athletes will also walk, with entertainment along the route. To join or donate go to website.


Famous chairs
Paul Schnabel will open the faculty of Architecture’s new permanent exhibition of famous chairs on 5 October. This extensive and historically important collection will be permanently exhibited in the hall near the architecture faculty library. The collection consists of more than three hundred chairs designed by Gerrit Rietveld and contemporary designers, like Marcel Wanders and Chris Kabel.

Last Wednesday TU Delft presented the innovative experimental prototype of the Superbus at the Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA) fair in Hannover. Germany. This new electric bus concept promises to be a fast, sustainable future mode of public transport. The Dutch Ministry of Transport (9 million euros) and public transport company Connexxion (1 million euros) funded Superbus’ prototype development. TU Delft also invested 1.5 million euros.

FP7 workshop
As the EU has recently launched no less than 51 new Framework Programme 7 (FP7) calls for research proposals, TU Delft’s Valorisation Centre will host a special 1-day workshop called ‘How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Framework 7’ on 1 October 2010. The workshop will be led by Dr Sean McCarthy, managing director of Hyperion Ltd., and one of the best EU advisors.

I-student day
Nuffic, the Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education, will once again host the Day of the International Student at the World Forum venue in Den Haag. The event, held on 13 November, is a day in which international students from around the Netherlands are brought together to be entertained and celebrated. Nuffic organises this annual event as an expression of gratitude for the fact that so many young international talents have chosen to study in the Netherlands rather than elsewhere. The day’s programme offers a good mix of education and fun, including visits to various famous landmarks in Den Haag, workshops about building a career either at home or in the Netherlands, and various presentations and cultural activities. The day ends with dinner and a party.

Suzanne Vos, a third-year technology, policy and management student at TU Delft, has success-fully made it to the next round of the popular Dutch TV programme, ‘Popstars’, an Idols-like song contest broadcast on SBS6. Vos sung the song ‘Use somebody’ by Laura Jansen, and then three-quarters of the viewing public and the jury voted her on to the next round. Now she gets to perform on the live shows. “My life has now been turned upside down. It’s quite an adventure”, she said. Vos was in a band in her teen years and, she says: “Now as a student-assistant, I also give lectures at the TU, which is also a performance.” Vos is now preparing for the competition’s next rounds: “I’m trying to learn as much as I can from this experience.” Vos can be followed via twitter.

Ongeveer 3200 scholieren kwamen af op de open dagen op vrijdag 30 oktober en maandag 2 november. Alle faculteiten deden mee. Om scholieren te lokken trok de faculteit EWI alles uit de kast waar elektrotechniek, informatica en wiskunde aan te pas waren gekomen. Hier vergapen vwo-scholieren zich aan een speelgoedtoestel, de quad-rotor-vliegtuig. Onderzoekers van EWI hebben het voorzien van een gyroscoop en aansturingsmechanismen. Verder stonden ook de solarboot en een van de zonnewagens uitgestald. Avontuurlijke studenten (en ouders) mochten bovendien een rondje rijden op een segway, een elektrisch aangedreven zelfbalancerend tweewielertje.

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